The (Un)official Royal Carnage forum picture page

@Frank: I know you are, but what am I?

@Cara: hahaha so good.

@Bertrand: We were near a place called Rattlesnake Canyon!

@Jonathan: It's all for you, Dorian.
Got mail from Nad today! Contents: two flyers (one pictured), an Avolition demo (playing as I type this), Farewell Shootka! which has exactly as much bass guitar as youd expect, an unnamed black CD of drone/noise stuff which Ill immediately listen to the next time Im high/drunk and a Paris Hilton sex tape.

Thanks a million man, this stuff is great! Let me know if you're ever in Europe, I owe you a few beers :kickass:

Yay, it arrived! The Paris Hilton porno is terrible, I don't recommend watching it. Farewell, Shootka! pretty much sucks, but it taught me a lot about recording.

I put a lot of work into that noise project years many ago, it was my prime pedal-o-rama era! Now I just use phasers, fuzz, and delay. Drugs should help.

EDIT: That noise thing is called The Wold and The Whale. I don't know why I named it that, something about water and earth. More info here:
Wait you did that shit with pedals? I can get some pretty mangled/spacey tones from my rig but that's nuts lol. Also I never thought Id own porn on a physical medium. Now I do, woo! Though I'm probably going to forget it exists until it resurfaces in an extremely awkward circumstance.
Most of that noishit is just bass -> random pedals -> board. I think I did some mic'd cabinet crap for some, and maybe a drum machine, but honestly don't remember. Most of that was created during sleep deprived nights, it was my thing I did when between bands some years ago. After I think 50 tracks I lost interest, plus the last 10 or so were really terrible, so I took that as a hint to move on.

I found that porn in my box o' lost demos, it's a big pile of old RC things, giveaways, and apparently randomly burned pornography. I bought a porno DVD once, and then repeated that mistake a second time. Never again, what a waste of money!
Found a new manual S with the 23S package and the upgraded soft top about 50 miles from here. I'm tempted to go check it out this weekend
Just kidding. I'm broke as shit. I make more money than I ever have in my life aaaaaaaaaaand have the most debt ever. Super fucking fun times.
Talked with a Native American Dude for awhile on the reservation a few weeks ago, he had some interesting ideas about money, debt, and said Man. Apparently he used to work for NASA before he paid off all his debts and started making jewelry. People tried to get him to open a store, but the overhead costs were ridiculous, so he just makes everything at home. And now sells all over the world via the interwebz, $50 a month for cable internet access instead of $5,000 / month to rent a strip mall space. I bought a few rings from him, they are quite nice. Plus I'm turning into one of those white dudes wearing too much silver, which is why I was talking to him in the first place.
Climbed (drove) up a mountain and saw some lizards, a buffalo, and prairie dogs, among other critters.







Doing it all again tomorrow.

Edit: husband said this post needed this too.
