The (Un)official Royal Carnage forum picture page


Somebody linked this thread to my myspace account. Cara, you know I will always love you. But please do me a favor and lay our romantic past to rest. Don't tarnish the memory of what we had by exposing it in front of a bunch of strangers on the net. If you're feeling down, don't hesitate to get a hold of me. Even if we're worlds apart, I'll be there.

Text me.

O rly.
A green colour has like 36 tints. Just so you know.

ps: just an example, tbh.
It's still green in the end. You women just want an excuse to badger men over perception of shades and hues. I don't believe you can actually register that many differences anyway.
I don't think that to send it is a right thing to do, Cara.

Don't you think that I would know if it's right or wrong better than anyone else here?

Fuck this.

I was just being silly----Why is this so fucking melodramatic now, over me being silly??

Again, fuck this. I can't do anything here without being reamed in the ass.
I can see a fucking difference between those two colors on the pic. Even with my absolutely terrible monitor. I'm sure, pretty much of you can see it as well. The right one darker and the left one is a bit close to orange.
Not sure if it's that obvious when it's about lipstick though...