The (Unofficial) write anything you want page - part 2

Stop inviting these filthy fucks to set up shop near your baguette stands. :popcorn:

you're late to the party mate. They run the bakeries now :kickass:

Breaking news: all hostage-takers have been killed. Good riddance. It's not the end though,the risk of further assaults is very high, says the police. Good to be home, never setting foot in Paris again.

*I feel this is true for most makes with exception of Toyota and Honda. However, I truly have never witnessed such a rate of component failure as I have with my xc90.
I only owned Japanese vehicles for my entire driving life, until dorian taught me that "all cars are unreliable," which is when I said fuckit and bought a Chrysler.
Speaking of Chrysler....I love all their current offerings. The new 200 is beatiful. The 300 is ASF. If they offered a Chrysler version of the Challenger, I'd buy one right this instant but only if they called it a 'Cuda.
Same for Dodge: Challenger and Charger are great. Dart looks cool. Grand Caravan is a great minivan. The rest of the lineup I don't know much about. Journey? What is that?
Jeep: Wrangler ftw
Ram: best trucks on the market. They'll happily sell you a regular cab 1500 with FOUR HUNDRED horsepower and an 8-speed for $25k. Want 4x4? Extra $2k. Still less than a loaded 4-cylinder 2-wheel drive Tacoma.
I still can't tell if the Journey is a crossover or some sort of shoe. If my Wrangler died tomorrow, I'd just buy another one. I want to get my wife a new/sexy Grand Cherokee but I know in 3 years it'll only be worth $2,500 with a full tank of gas.

Rams are so much cooler than Ford and Chevy trucks. All three will eventually breakdown anyhow, might as well get the best equipped (which is RAM, strictly scientifically speaking). Power Wagon = the most ridiculous and awesome consumer vehicle ever.

All my Japanese vehicles left me stranded at some point anyhow, new or old didn't seem to matter much, even with my incredibly anal maintenance schedules. Still wish I would have kept my '85 4Runner and WRX though, those were the best, even whilst disintegrating in front of my very face!
All cars are for suckers. Cars are asshole friends. They take your money and leave you hanging at the worst times.

However, other than sex and music, driving is the best physical charge in life that I have found. Being hundreds of miles from anyone in a 4WD or flying down the road at 140mph are utterly priceless endeavors, worth every god damn penny for me.

My wife is the practical one with cars. If it were up to her, she'd still be driving her 2000 Toyota Corolla (3-speed automatic WTF). We only sold that to her sister since she needed a car, so I'm sure she'll drive the Mazda3 until it falls apart.

Fuck that. As soon as my Jeep is paid off I'll go out and buy another WRX, probably on the same day of the final payment. :kickass: