The (Unofficial) write anything you want page - part 2

Day Zero of NAMM and I'm already tired. Already whining, lame!

But! I ate chicken + waffles for the first time ever, and it was good.
one of the execs at the company i work for (who also happens to be an old fraternity bro that went through Hell Week with me back in 99) calls me up today on my day off. he tells me that i have to come in tomorrow (my other day off) to attend a meeting and to work.

he promptly tells me that a bunch of my bosses are getting fired and im getting a promotion and a raise.

needless to say, im going in to work tomorrow
chicken and waffles is the shit, first time i had it was down there at Roscoe's in Hollywood. Sacramento has a distinct lack of chicken and waffles, even thought there is certainly no lack of black people. it is a mystery.
Yeah, we ate at Roscoe's in Anaheim. It was just kinda okay, until I combined chicken+waffle+syrup in one bite. Then it ruled quite mightily!
You make a terrible black man
My dick is too small and my pants are too high. I, Whitey.