The (Unofficial) write anything you want page - part 2

Been there. Twice. Hopefully she can be reasonable and civil. Because if not... That's fucking hell

Yeah I hope so. Honestly I have no idea what happened over the past ~2 weeks though so who knows.

dorian gray said:
Then I wont be able to afford the rent. Though for the future this is an incentive to have enough money to pay shit like that by myself.
Where ya movin? Dorians house will be on the market soon. Just sayin. One acre on the top of the western hills. Woods behind me all the way to the interstate. Civil War ghosts stay with new owners.
good luck dude... im genuinely sorry to hear that. my best friend went through the same thing, so i really feel for people who are in the same situation.

he moved from our woodland home to NYC so he could make it in the music business (does this sound cliche yet?). after a couple of years, he meets this chick who seems pretty cool. seems like everything is going great for about four years- they are living together/sharing bills/etc. one day she decides that she cant deal with the city anymore, and that she absolutely has to escape IMMEDIATELY to a rural upstate NY town where she has a couple of friends. she begs, cries, screams, and pleads for my buddy to uproot his life so that he can move with her. he had started a career as an audio engineer and was really reluctant to move away, but he eventually decided that he loved her and would follow. so my friend quits his job, moves all of his shit, and buys a car... maybe three months after they settle into the new house, she abruptly says that she doesnt love him anymore and that he has to get the fuck out. he was just simply homeless, jobless, and fucked.

this guy has always been a rock for me, a guy with a sturdy constitution. pretty upsetting to see someone like that just completely hopeless, lost, and torn apart. i helped him by letting him work with me at a farm, 20 or so hours/week... and that was all he had in the world. just a rough situation for this dude.

anyway, i am typing this story because a year after he thought his life was over, he was back in NYC with a way better-looking girl who is a genuinely good person. also, he is making many thousands of dollars per week/month as a recording engineer. he was doing live sound for a pretty popular local rock band and they won a contest to open for Aerosmith in fucking Moscow :lol: Got to go for free, met Aerosmith at their after-party, and had the time of his life.

SO keep your head up, you might get to travel to Russia and meet Aerosmith.
Lol @ the Aerosmith gig

Also, moving in with a chick and sharing expenses without being married is a recipe for disaster. So is doing it married ha but at least you have legal protection
Lol @ the Aerosmith gig

Also, moving in with a chick and sharing expenses without being married is a recipe for disaster. So is doing it married ha but at least you have legal protection

generally i would agree, although i have been living pretty much happily with my GF for 6+ years :lol:
family/everyone i meet is shocked that we haven't married yet, but who gives a shit? we already live together, share expenses, fuck, have separate health insurance, help each other pay for shit, etc.

like why would you want to complicate a good thing?
^Thanks man, that really did make me feel better about this whole clusterfuck. The funny thing is I'm in England studying music :lol: A month ago we were talking about how amazing our life together is going to be and then suddenly boom, we're done, she doesn't give a rats ass about me anymore. At least she didn't wait until I completely uprooted myself from Switzerland for her to have this change of heart. Also, sounds like you have a really wonderful thing going on. If it ain't broke don't fix it.
Well, my girlfriend just broke up with me. Here's the really fun part: We live together. Fuck everything.

When bitches leave and/or shit gets real, remember that RC cares enough to get drunk in sympathy with you from up to half a world away. PROST!

I've only ever lived with one woman. We got married 5 years in, but lived together since day 52. That's fucking stupid, but somehow it all worked out, for now...

I practically lived with someone before her though. We both had our own places, but spent every day together for several years. That breakup ended pretty horrendously, I can still see the look on her face when it all came crashing down, and this was many years/beers ago.
Phil, more than likely she's got a new dong on the side or an e-admirer. Fuck the cunt, take her rent money, and live life emancipated from her emotional pendulum.

Years back my ex whale of a gf broke up with me out of the blue via MSN IM. Kind of a shitty thing to do considering we were engaged at one point. (Even dropped $300 on a ring down at the local Robbin's Bros :lol:) I honestly didn't give two shits at the time, and didn't even take it all too seriously, as my immediate response was, "we're still going to pork right?" To make a long boring story short, turns out that the main catalyst for this heffer's change of heart was that some shemp was e-serenading her on myspace. $kank