The (Unofficial) write anything you want page - part 2


Fucking coon.
Goddamn. All women are crazy, but each is crazy in her own way.

The worst are the passive, insecure types.

That's what I'm dealing with now.

....but fuck it. The longer I live, the less I give a shit!
Holy shit...apartment hunting BLOWS.
You're supposed to do something erratic and out of your character right now. Move to a mountain cabin in Maine and live off the land for 6 months to a year. Especially if you made some coin on the house, just say fuckit for awhile! Don't be this guy:

Went to a Columbo themed party tonight, ate a lot of deviled eggs and a donut. I never eat donuts, but fuckit, two episodes of Columbo will do that to a man. For lunch I ate a bunch of brussel sprouts. For dinner last night I also had brussel sprouts (with pork). Starting around 9pm tonight I started having a massive gas attack, and it all ended a few minutes ago with a hurried drive home and the biggest shit I've taken in quite some time. It was so healthy it made the bathroom smell like good cooking. Strong, but good.