The (Unofficial) write anything you want page - part 2

i want to see it all burn.

i laugh at all the oil companies now laying off greedy ass people because prices are now at a normal level where people can afford them and groceries. its beautiful

keep fracking and earthquaking
i want to see it all burn.

i laugh at all the oil companies now laying off greedy ass people because prices are now at a normal level where people can afford them and groceries. its beautiful

keep fracking and earthquaking

the depleting ogalla aquifer could be part of it too
france has crazed islamic extremists shooting cartoonists

nothing is worth having to put up with that
So far the perpetrators haven't been caught, they've been spotted in various places and were supposedly cornered in a house somewhere out in the countryside near Paris, but apparently that was hasty reporter talk. Tell you the truth, I find it infinitely NOT reassuring that our domestic security were not able to intercept these two guys, however heavily armed and determined... They managed to drive across half Paris and vanish into nature without so much as an attempt to gun the vehicle (a standard engine Renault Clio, no less!) It's even more disturbing to know that they had a thick police record on them already and had shortly returned from Syria. Probably some armchair criticism from me, and I'm fully aware that counter-terrorist intelligence is a complex task, but still, it's been said over and over again for months that Djihad returners were a serious threats on French soil, and lo and behold it happens and the State's powerlessness to prevent AND to retaliate swiftly is exposed. The sad obviousness of it is overwhelming... Makes you wonder what will happen when some better organized commandos will take action in a mall or in the metro, and it's clear they will. Dark times indeed.
sorry, france.

sorry, ken. i hope you end up a much happier man in the end.

FUCKING WEEK FROM HELL over here. 2015 not looking too good so far. during the holidays, i had 2.5 weeks away from work. i havent had that much time off in like 6-7 years, so it was nice. i work on a farm and a basic rule of farm labor is that you will never be paid for time that was not spent on the farm, working. no vacation/sick days, nothing. oh well, i was adequately financially prepared for the break and was happy to have the time off. flash forward to tuesday of this week, my first day back on the job. at this point, i am ready to work and totally broke. within two minutes of leaving my house in the morning, a huge deer hit my car as it was in MID-JUMP (over a stone wall) and completely totaled the front/passenger side. all kinds of shit pushed into the engine bay, right into the belts. fuck. insurance will cover it, but I have a $500 deductible. not absolutely terrible, but that is a winter week's worth of pay on top of already being screwed.

wednesday morning: total failure of propane oven/range, no way to cook
wednesday night: total failure of THREE YEAR OLD $1200 refrigerator, out of warranty. lose a ton of food, mostly expensive produce which cannot be frozen.

still better than getting murdered by muslim terrorists though :thumbsup:
So far the perpetrators haven't been caught, they've been spotted in various places and were supposedly cornered in a house somewhere out in the countryside near Paris, but apparently that was hasty reporter talk. Tell you the truth, I find it infinitely NOT reassuring that our domestic security were not able to intercept these two guys, however heavily armed and determined... They managed to drive across half Paris and vanish into nature without so much as an attempt to gun the vehicle (a standard engine Renault Clio, no less!) It's even more disturbing to know that they had a thick police record on them already and had shortly returned from Syria. Probably some armchair criticism from me, and I'm fully aware that counter-terrorist intelligence is a complex task, but still, it's been said over and over again for months that Djihad returners were a serious threats on French soil, and lo and behold it happens and the State's powerlessness to prevent AND to retaliate swiftly is exposed. The sad obviousness of it is overwhelming... Makes you wonder what will happen when some better organized commandos will take action in a mall or in the metro, and it's clear they will. Dark times indeed.

Ye fucks need to vote in that National Front party. Stop inviting these filthy fucks to set up shop near your baguette stands. :popcorn:

Blanket solution, but nevertheless, these germs need to feel unwelcomed upon your lands.