The (Unofficial) write anything you want page - part 2

Went to get rona tested today and the dude in front of us sneezed all over the place.

I hate 2020.

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On the flipside of stuff being delivered late...

Ordered a dresser from Amazon with a delivery date of December 28th. Okay cool, after Christmas, when I'm off work and flexible with my time, so I can go get it from my parents' house with no issues (I have stuff like this delivered to their house because my apartment complex is shady). So anyway, delivery after Christmas is cool and will work out well.

My order page still shows December 28th as the delivery date, and it hasn't "shipped" yet. So why is my mom texting me that my dresser came. They don't have space to hold it until this weekend, so now I have to coordinate picking it up today in between all my meetings and other work stuff.

I know I should be thankful it came early. Bleh.
Just checked my apartment mail for the first time in a couple of weeks. My mailbox has never been so full of other people's mail. Mostly junk, but there was one Christmas card that I walked over and delivered to the correct apartment. How does one mix up apartment 437 and 341??
I’m still waiting on about 10 packages that were ordered back in early-mid November. Craziness.

Given the circumstances, I’m kinda okay with the delay but I’ll be fucking pissed if any of my shit gets lost.
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Merry Christian celebrations to all of you beautiful people. It's kinda comforting to see this place kicking again in nearly full splendour (thanks Opeth for that - not the band) and that everyone seems to run a tight ship with their personal affairs. Hugs.
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