The (Unofficial) write anything you want page - part 2

Man, I remember back when I used to work the farmers markets in NYC. We left the farm in CT by 5AM to arrive in NYC by 7AM. I left the city by 6-7PM and I'd be lucky if I made it back to my house by 10PM. Needless to say, it was a really long day. We did this on Wed, Fri, and Sat (with other local activities Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday). I walked to the Trader Joe's by Union Square and bought a bottle of this with pocket change. Made it back to the van and realized a very unfortunate fact: we didn't have a corkscrew. I ended up taking a drywall screw and trying to pry out the cork with the back of a hammer. After the cork basically fell apart, I resorted to just trying to bash it into the bottle. I was exhausted mentally and physically. I just wanted that afternoon wine so fucking bad. I eventually pushed the cork into the bottle and physics did its thing: wine shot up like a geyser and stained the upholstery of my boss's relatively new Mercedes-Benz Sprinter van. It went EVERYWHERE. That was a fun predicament to explain.... he wasn't even that mad.
The craziest thing is that the wine was $3/bottle at the time and it seriously wasn't that bad. It was obviously cheap wine, but it wasn't offensive by any means. Perfect for drinking out of the bottle while you sell vegetables.
They upped it to $2.49 for awhile, but at the beginning of 2020 it went back to $1.99 and EVEN THEN I didn't think anything awful was going to happen last year. HÖHÖHÖ...

Totally drinkable stuff. Occasionally compares favorably to wines costing 3x to 4x as much. Ah yes, the coveted $6 to $8 a bottle range, where true oenophiles rot.
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Vent alert:

Trying to navigate the housing market over the last year has been one of the top 3 shittiest experiences of my life. A quick summary for anyone who isn't familiar: there is an unprecedented lack of inventory in any area which happens to be near a city. In CT where I live, we're close to Boston, NYC, New Jersey, Philadelphia, etc. It's one of the worst spots in the country right now and things are just rapidly getting worse. My wife and I have been saving for years, and we just happened to finally be ready right when all of the COVID shit began. That is the major source of these issues.... wealthy people are fleeing the cities and buying up all available properties. They're paying tens of thousands of dollars over asking price, waiving all inspections and appraisals, and paying with CASH. These fuckers from NYC are also buying sight unseen. They have a realtor walk around the property with an iPad and then they just throw money at it until they seal the deal. We've tried to buy 10 different houses since June and we've just been getting murdered each time.

One particularly nice place was priced very reasonably, and we offered 22k over list price. Someone put in a bid so high that they didn't even want to hear our counter offer. Another time, we got a call from the realtor saying "They like your offer but they're worried that the house won't appraise for that much. They want you to sign something saying that you'll cover the difference in cash". Fuck that. Sometime in January, we lost to someone who offered 40k over list price and put 50% down on the entire thing. Last night we lost an amazing place because we wouldn't agree to waive all of the inspections (general inspection, roof, septic, well). It's fucking madness. Who in their right mind would pay over on a house without having any idea about what's potentially going on inside? I'm not going to just "hope" that the foundation isn't crumbling or that the 30-year old septic system isn't a year way from total failure. All you see these days are total shitholes being listed for $250k minimum, and people are still buying them up. These are places that you'd struggle to sell for $180k a few years ago. When something nice DOES hit the market, you've got literally hundreds of people waiting to jump on it. I can't possibly see how this is going to end, and in fact it will probably blow up in everyone's faces- thus resulting in another economic crash.
It's crazy here too, but not that bad yet. Still, little boxes that would have sold for 80k a few years ago are going for over 200k now. And decent older homes are selling for as much as new constructions. At this point, if we were seriously considering buying, we'd probably go straight to the builder and scoop something up in a new development.
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Yeah I wouldn't buy right now either. Shit is too insane and will come back to reality soon enough. Unless you have to buy of course... but if not, keep renting for a year or so.

I started saving for a house in 2002 and finally bought one in 2014. And even that took 2 years of searching with a lot of running into the Cash Buyers like you have.

Here's a fun Middle Class Timeline:

2002: wife and I start saving up for a house
2006: wife and I meet and start dating
2014: wife and I buy our first house

Somewhere in there we got married I guess.
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The issue is that we aren't able to wait much longer. Our landlord is flirting with the idea of selling, and who can blame him? He's a good dude and I know he wouldn't throw us out, but I also know that he's not going to wait for the value of his property to drop if he's really trying to get rid of it soon. If you think that buying a house is hard right now, then holy fuck look at the rentals. If we get the boot then we're probably going to be forced into living with my parents until we can find something. That would really be a step in the wrong direction. I just never imagined that the issue we'd encounter would be that there simply aren't any houses to buy. Ultimately you're right, and I appreciate the advice!
I bought my first house in the last few months. Thankfully the situation here isn't anywhere near as bad as the one you described, although apparently we are also seeing a trend of people moving out of cities in the last 12 months. There were a bunch more delays due to the virus, but overall it took about 6 months from starting to look. I'm currently DIYing the shit out of the place now having barely lifted a paint brush in my life. I assume this happens to every man when they buy their first house.
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I have lots of realtor friends and they told me to sign another year at my apt and just wait. Too many people moving from overpriced states. Good luck, bro.

Btw, people need to stop moving here. We're full

Thanks man. I feel the same way, everyone please stay the fuck out of CT.
We hear it all the time in TX because they come here and cant believe the home prices. They are contributing to this nonsense.

And they bring their backwards ass politics with them

I repeat. Stay out of TX. We good.
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Yea Idk, we bought a property out of state last year for 235k. Really decent house. 1600 sq, ok sized yard, neighbors cool af. Weve been renting it out for dirt cheap, 1400 a month. Covers the note, taxes, hoa, all that horse shit. Its already shot up to 260k in value in a year. Thats low end. I can easily sell it to a Commiefornian for a whole lot more if they dont have to rely on financing.

We also partially own two homes from inheritances. Cant sell atm due to some legalities, since these are partially owned each. But yea, keep pumping Powell, this is where all this money is going.

So yea I definitely agree that the market is overvalued, but would pose caution towards waiting too long. Fact of the matter is all this newly printed money needs to be parked somewhere. AND IT WILL BE CHAN HO PARKED!

Tuition, Rents, Car loans, Homes, anything involving a bank will be on the rise. Its all a mummer's farce. So if ye can outsave the pace of inflation, by all means. Just dont have any delusions of grandeur that its just going to drop due to demand at some point. Demand is at an all time high, construction can not meet demand. Also given the relative age of this forum (still moderately youthful from a work perspective,) youre going to need a home near a fair sized municipality. Good luck getting a bargain deal.

Havent looked at Texas marjet, but mid 200s for a decent chateau is worth it. Compare that to CCpfornia where ye have to pay 450k for a condo in the sticks. GTFOoRC