The (Unofficial) write anything you want page - part 2

I have a picture of mine, too. Dunno if that would always suffice in situations where it might be needed. Just have to wait and see if it even becomes a necessary thing.
so they are kinda "strongly recommending" it.

i have a feeling my employer will eventually get there. i will hold out as long as i can.

two coworkers just got it the 2nd shot. one said he felt like shit for a couple of days. the other left work early today because he felt like shit.

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No symptoms yet other than the sore arm, and the soreness isn't as bad as it was with the first one. Also no welt below the injection site like I had with the first one.

I know plenty of people have legit reactions, but a lot of people probably whine just to get a day off.
I know about a dozen people who have received their dose and none of them had any negative reactions other than a slightly sore arm.
In Dallas? Inside places, yeah people are still wearing them. Outside, not so much -- it's about 80/20 (unmasked vs masked) when you look at the people walking around downtown. The hospital system my husband works for just sent out an email yesterday stating they're no longer requiring staff to wear masks outdoors as long as distance is maintained.
In CT, it's still rare to see anyone out in public without a mask. Obviously if you're at an eating or drinking establishment then that's a different story. You wouldn't really be allowed to enter any store or building without one.
In the UK you have to wear a mask in any shop. I don't think you'd be allowed in without one, apart from for a legitimate reason. Eating and drinking establishments are still closed. Also, broadly speaking we are vaccinating in order of vulnerability, so I haven't even been contacted about it yet.
Also, broadly speaking we are vaccinating in order of vulnerability, so I haven't even been contacted about it yet.

Literally about 45 days ago, we were still only vaccinating small groups of senior citizens in my state. Here we are today, and they just opened up eligibility for anyone over the age of 16. I was able to get an appointment for Monday afternoon, which is excellent!

I was able to get a different appointment this morning, but it was for 4:45 AM at a mobile clinic somewhere in Hartford. For anyone who may not be familiar with Hartford, CT... it's not a place where you'd want to receive a vaccination in a parking lot during the early morning hours.