The (Unofficial) write anything you want page - part 2

Nice! I hit 20 years next month. I dont remember what brought me here, but it wasn't Opeth. But I do remember the color scheme was a light blue and grey or something like that.

I remember markgugs, npearce, phyre, JayKeeley, and a few others in GMD.

I've been a member of this forum almost half my life. Good gawd Im old.

and krilons resa (wtf is that btw?) was BloodStainedWalls too

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WTF is up with these random screenshots, Erik? lmao!

edit: Better check them PM's!

edit2: and, yep, my original name was BloodStainedWalls after a Soilwork song. *cringe* I'm pretty sure that I was listening to it the moment I was signing up. I think I actually remember the actual moment in my bedroom, living with my sister at the time. wtf
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WTF is up with these random screenshots, Erik? lmao!
i dont know man, they would have served a purpose at some point

i save pretty much everything and i have a big ol file server with most of my old hard drives archived so i'll dig up digital detritus like this sometimes


anyway, i came in here just because i feel like it's rude to keep derailing opeth17's thread but i need to post more about torn flesh because lmao this band gets better the more i research them


Screenshot 2021-06-08 at 07.33.42.png

lol i hope so much this is actually true, i need to find this label. greg hudson is a rather common name unfortunately, so hard to google
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Reactions: Krilons Resa
lol i hope so much this is actually true, i need to find this label. greg hudson is a rather common name unfortunately, so hard to google

Woobie Bear Music.

You're welcome

EDIT: "Bearapalooza Seattle also celebrates the release of Bear Tracks II, released by Woobie Bear music. Bear Tracks II is the second in a series of compilation CDs featuring music by artists who identify as part of the bear community. Many of the artists performing at Bearapalooza are featured on Bear Tracks II. Greg Hudson of Woobie Bear Music will be on hand doing CD sales and giveaways to celebrate the release of the new CD! More info at

Bearapalooza is a one of a kind concert, bringing together musicians who identify with the growing movement of people known as the bear community. The bear community is defined in different ways by different participants, but underlying all the definitions is an effort to redefine ideas of masculine beauty, especially (but not exclusively) for Gay males. For many years the stereotypical image of male beauty has been thin, young, and hairless. This may be some people’s preference, but much of the Gay male landscape is dominated by this image. The bear community embraces a different ideal of male beauty: Stocky to large, hairy, usually with facial hair, young or mature. In essence, Bear embraces men as they are, in many forms shapes and sizes, as they tend to naturally be. Even more importantly, Bear typifies an attitude of friendliness, brotherhood, and a comfort with our bodies and our sexuality."

This is from 2016.
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Woobie Bear Music.

You're welcome

EDIT: "Bearapalooza Seattle also celebrates the release of Bear Tracks II, released by Woobie Bear music. Bear Tracks II is the second in a series of compilation CDs featuring music by artists who identify as part of the bear community. Many of the artists performing at Bearapalooza are featured on Bear Tracks II. Greg Hudson of Woobie Bear Music will be on hand doing CD sales and giveaways to celebrate the release of the new CD! More info at

Bearapalooza is a one of a kind concert, bringing together musicians who identify with the growing movement of people known as the bear community. The bear community is defined in different ways by different participants, but underlying all the definitions is an effort to redefine ideas of masculine beauty, especially (but not exclusively) for Gay males. For many years the stereotypical image of male beauty has been thin, young, and hairless. This may be some people’s preference, but much of the Gay male landscape is dominated by this image. The bear community embraces a different ideal of male beauty: Stocky to large, hairy, usually with facial hair, young or mature. In essence, Bear embraces men as they are, in many forms shapes and sizes, as they tend to naturally be. Even more importantly, Bear typifies an attitude of friendliness, brotherhood, and a comfort with our bodies and our sexuality."

This is from 2016.
thanks buddy
and, yep, my original name was BloodStainedWalls after a Soilwork song. *cringe*
Holy crap. I always assumed BloodStainedWalls was in reference to Goatsblood since that was your avatar at the time.

And I never checked the reference to be sure, even though I own both Goatsblood full length albums on physical media.
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wow! you still own that? i never knew they had a second one.

remember when Nate was all about them and Watchmaker?

ps...the one Goatsblood I heard was decent Eyehategod worship
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Yeah I still love that Drull album, although it has been awhile since I've spun it. Their other album I picked up who knows when and maybe listened to it once, ha.

That kind of dearth music is really some Special Occasion stuff but man, when I need some Rwake/Goatsblood/Buzzov*en/Winter/Dystopia/Watchmaker to get me through some true nihilistic moments, it works amazingly well.
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Drull. that was it. with a black and white cover. lol you still have watchmaker. i think i had one or two at some point. too chaotic and noisy. i have enough insanity in my mind already