The (Unofficial) write anything you want page - part 2

Islamic State fighters are being attacked by a debilitating skin disease called leishmaniasis.

The disease, which is spread by sandflies, is quickly spreading thanks to pollution and poor hygiene conditions, with more than 100,000 cases reported, British media outlets reported earlier this week.

The jihadi fighters are refusing medical treatment which has led to more outbreaks, according to the reports. No word on what the 72 awaiting virgins think of their future harem leaders unsightly skin lesions.

Medical centers have closed since medical staff have fled the violence making the spread of the disease more acute, according to the reports.

Dubbed “Rose of Jericho,” the disease is caused by protozoan parasites that belong to the genus Leishmania and is "running wild" by the bite of the female sand fly that bite infected rodents called rock hyraxes.


Cutaneous leishmaniasis is the most common form of leishmaniasis, while visceral leishmaniasis is a severe form in which the parasites have migrated to the vital organs. The infection appears as red sores (hence its nickname) on the skin a few weeks or months after being bitten by the sand fly that erupt weeks to months after the person affected is bitten by sand flies. The infection can also damage the liver and spleen and cause anemia. The sores can cause permanent, ugly scars if untreated.


Fuck mockingbirds.

Fuck every single god damn mockingbird.

Fuck them all, I hope they all fucking die, and leave this planet.

Stop singing for mockingbirdpussy at 1am. You aren't getting any. You won't get any. Your song is pure shit.

Fuck you, mockingbird.
Hey Jonathan, are you still not drinking? I had my first physical in years this week, awaiting lab results to see if I drink too much/little. Fingers crossed 'round a bottle of scotch!

I think at this point in my life if I had to quit drinking completely, tomorrow, I wouldn't even give a shit. I still enjoy 3 to 6 drinks per week, but it almost feels habitual nowadays.

Now if the results tell me I have to give up chocolate or cheese I'll call a lawyer, sue their pants off, and then die in a vat of both, laughing maniacally until it all fades to black.
Hey Adrian, yes, I am done drinking for the most part. I had some drinks at that thing I was at last weekend but otherwise....nah. Coincidentally, I did stop at the liquor store today after running and picked up a six pack of some random German beer. I looked at everything in the store and it was just so.....boring. Dropping $50 on a bottle of bourbon seems insane now whereas four months ago I thought it was pure genius.
:lol: Going to the liquor store after a run, and being in the drunk thread 3 hours after that post. You've always been my hero. Never change. <3

I'm not sure I've ever used the phrase "hella cool" and I doubt I ever would, but if I were so inclined to describe this, briefly, that term might just suffice.

I think I only went through A Link to the Past start-to-finish one time. Shouldn't have lost my SNES and 15 games back in college, but hey, I can emulate.
A professor I'm friends with on Facebook posted yesterday that her class was being unruly. I told her to play this for the class. She did, and apparently it went over well. :lol:

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3 years ago I passed up the opportunity to get two of their albums for 30sfr. Fuck everything.