The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

So, why don't you enlighten us? You brought it up, after all.

she was able to get probation for the assault because the DA knew she didn't do it

she was able to repeatedly get probation re-instated because the victim kept going to the court and asking for Jessie to be released back out on probation

and she was able to get parole because the parole baord realized she was locked up for a crime she didn't do
That's about the same as saying there's a huge difference between KKK members and rednecks. Sure, the latter don't belong to an organization, but I'm willing to bet they're still just as stupid.

Okay, that was uncalled for; I apologize to any rednecks that I might have offended. If they could actually read what I just wrote.

Alright, I'm stopping now.

Look at this fucking guy. All that edu-macation, and well on his way, to earning what? 40k a year before tax? Yea, Mr. Big Brains, not so fancy now, ain't ya?

Dog will hunt.
I love talking to drunk people. Someone just suggested to do a Halloween outfit with the man friend: me as Trayvon Martin and him as Zimmerman. I think it's genius!!
No, but I use this: [ame][/ame]

Love it. Super convenient.