Active Member
Common sense says that in an overpopulated world like we live in, we need as many homosexuals as possible (or none reproducing people in general)...
anonymousnick2001 said:Darkness Eternal...*sigh*
He reaked some havoc in SOT when he went on a thread-bumping spree.
I dunno, I kinda liked the old Guardian of Darkness. That sexual appliance thing still leaves me in stitches...
speed said:Well i think i understand why you think the way you do demiurge, I also have shared those thoughts; " why does that guy have to act so gay, i understand you are gay, you dont have to be flaming gay to prove your point" But its not my life, and i am not about to tell others what to do with theirs.
As for the Western culture accepting Gayness, I think you are a bit ignorant of history. Gay men were everywhere in the Greco-ROman world, I think this is a obvious fact. In the renaissaince the same trend continued, in fact Savonarola's central message was to rid Florence of sodomites. During these periods men were openly flamingly gay, and hell during the 17th and 18th centuries men wore wigs and makeup. The prussian army was a den of gayness, and we all know about old Rohm and his gay exploits that Hitler didnt seem to mind until he was hard to control. So, what i am saying is open gayness has always existed and in some periods of time it is quite visible. And besides who else is going to show us how to dress and redecorate our houses?
And despite this thread, most likely if with friends, I will make derogatory remarks about gay people, or concur with other derogatory remarks about gay people. I suppose it is some primal need to reaffirm my gender and sexuality. Actually I think it is some need to relate to the other supposedly non-gay male friends one has- nothing could be worse to find out that one of them is secretly gay.
DiscipleOfPlato said:Also, the genetic predisposition theory seems like bullshit to me. Do you truly believe that there is some irrevocable biological genetic code for the fondness of same-sex genitalia? If a man prefers penis, are his genes to blame? Is anything to blame? Is it even worth contemplating the very notion of placing blame for something so trivial?
speed said:Well i think i understand why you think the way you do demiurge, I also have shared those thoughts; " why does that guy have to act so gay, i understand you are gay, you dont have to be flaming gay to prove your point" But its not my life, and i am not about to tell others what to do with theirs.
As for the Western culture accepting Gayness, I think you are a bit ignorant of history. Gay men were everywhere in the Greco-ROman world, I think this is a obvious fact. In the renaissaince the same trend continued, in fact Savonarola's central message was to rid Florence of sodomites. During these periods men were openly flamingly gay, and hell during the 17th and 18th centuries men wore wigs and makeup. The prussian army was a den of gayness, and we all know about old Rohm and his gay exploits that Hitler didnt seem to mind until he was hard to control. So, what i am saying is open gayness has always existed and in some periods of time it is quite visible. And besides who else is going to show us how to dress and redecorate our houses?
lord667 said:Evolution is nothing but cumulative deformity. You want to monocellularise yourself, slip back into the primordial soup where the only "pure" things on Earth ever existed?
Demiurge said:note that deformity is always used negatively. for example, a club foot is a deformity. an unusual ability to solve mathematical problems is not.
Dude, I was, um, joking. Although I must say that your pattern of lol, lol, made it seem like you were bent on bothering people more than actually feeling the nostalgia. Just an observation.Darkness Eternal said:I'd hardly say I "wreaked havoc". I bumped about 5 threads from about the time I first registered as they were nostalgic, a 'memory' of SOT as it used to be, as everybody except you and some other whiny assholes agreed.
Agreed.lord667 said:And homosexuality is comparable to neither one.
anonymousnick2001 said:Dude, I was, um, joking. Although I must say that your pattern of lol, lol, made it seem like you were bent on bothering people more than actually feeling the nostalgia. Just an observation.
speed said:Well demiurge you are one interesting guy, apparently the idea of indivdual freedom of western civilzation was lost to your hegelian defense of the all powerful eternal state.
The problem is, that no one but Bush and Sharon share your views on most things; even if the state had all the power, these views of yours are shared by such a small fraction of the population, that they will never be put into place. I suppose like Wagner you could buy some isolated land in South AMerica and start some dreamlike fascist society where everyone bows down to the glory of the state, and your ideals. Yet, this leads to a problem, if your ideal government would ever come to power, would they share your personal ideals? What if they outlawed death metal- and have a bonfire of the vanities like old Hitler did, where they threw in death metal etc.? I think in our hearts we are all fascists, just that most understand the horror of being a slave on the receiving end. Apparently you secretly wish to be a slave, and subservient, because lets face it, in fascism very very few people have any power, and I doubt you are a officer in the military or the leader of some huge mulitnational corporation?
WELL SO-O-O-RRY!Darkness Eternal said:Just a fucking asinine observation, you kike.