this place is very hypocritical

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My spelling? Hm, well i really never proofread these posts. Anyway, its pathetic you have to resort to attacking my spelling, instead of addressing the real issue- that of your being an supposed elitist without the intelligence and good manners such a tag requires. Of course i am saying this half jokingly, as I really have no problem with you- yet strangely many on this board do.
Who the hell's idea was it to resuscitate this thread? I can't even believe I'm contributing to it, thus aiding in keeping it alive for a few more days, but the question was troubling me.
Darkness Eternal...*sigh*

He reaked some havoc in SOT when he went on a thread-bumping spree.

I dunno, I kinda liked the old Guardian of Darkness. That sexual appliance thing still leaves me in stitches...
Guardian of Darkness said:
The thread was bumped because it's one of the worst threads ever to exist - laughably so. Unfortunately, it reminds me of a time when I was an idiot.
The interesting thing here is that you weren't an idiot.
Just parousing the boards for the first time in a while and I saw a few things that raised an eyebrow:

I dont like goths either. not because how they dress (even though it is very retarded) but because of how they act.

This provoked a bit of reaction but I do agree in part with what it could imply. People who actively call themselves "goths," why? what is the point of fitting yourself with a label that someone else has created and a stereotype has formed around?

Its amazing how much ignorance this world has. People are so quick to generalize. This thread will continue forever if people don't learn to form an opinion based on facts.

One persons facts are another persons beliefs.

What about people who are normal like anyone else and are gay?

What is normal?

Thanks for your ignorance on that issue. Have you ever REALLY known a homosexual? If you had, then you would know the HUGE struggle that person most likely had figuring out what was wrong with him/her. Society probably overwhelmingly told them to like the opposite sex, but no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't. Gays have a MUCH, MUCH higher suicide rate, and this reason is exactly why. If a homosexual could simply CHOOSE to be straight, most of them probably would have early on in life. Unfortunately gays have had to endure the wrath of ignorant people like you.

I know you said "most likely.." but:
The way this is written it sounds like a bad film about someone overcoming some adversity; "huge struggle, overwhelming, no matter how hard they tried.."
Going on what you have said here it could be argued that you are implying that "homosexual people" are weak willed and cannot deal with pressure which is supposedly harder on them than anyone else.

My biggest question though is what does everyone seem to have against ManOWar?
You know I dont see what the big problem is with the gays, and especially on this site. If you are bothered by gay behavior, it is obvious you have your own insecurities about your own gender and sexuality. Unless a gay hits on you, who cares whom they fuck?
You know I dont see what the big problem is with the gays, and especially on this site. If you are bothered by gay behavior, it is obvious you have your own insecurities about your own gender and sexuality. Unless a gay hits on you, who cares whom they fuck?

Simple words of wisdom.
speed said:
You know I dont see what the big problem is with the gays, and especially on this site. If you are bothered by gay behavior, it is obvious you have your own insecurities about your own gender and sexuality. Unless a gay hits on you, who cares whom they fuck?

it's an over-discussed issue for sure. my main problem isn't faggots, but the acceptance of faggotry into western culture as if it were a legitimate alternative lifestyle. in fact though, it is a deformity.
Demiurge said:
it's an over-discussed issue for sure. my main problem isn't faggots, but the acceptance of faggotry into western culture as if it were a legitimate alternative lifestyle. in fact though, it is a deformity.
Like all deformities, homosexuality is still allowed to exist as an alternative lifestyle.
This provoked a bit of reaction but I do agree in part with what it could imply. People who actively call themselves "goths," why? what is the point of fitting yourself with a label that someone else has created and a stereotype has formed around?

Presumably they like the label and want to be the stereotype. Besides which, many people's path to individuality involves first passing through a minority subculture or two.

One persons facts are another persons beliefs.

Although I agree with you, you say it in such a parroted, tenth-hand platitude fashion that it makes me want to be sick.

What is normal?

Majority. Homosexuality is not normal because 90% of people are not homosexual. Fortunately, the question of whether it's right or wrong has nothing to do with whether it's normal.

My biggest question though is what does everyone seem to have against ManOWar?

I like Manowar. Some, though, just can't appreciate them. The "Brothers of True Metal" thing is too much for many.
Demiurge said:
it's an over-discussed issue for sure. my main problem isn't faggots, but the acceptance of faggotry into western culture as if it were a legitimate alternative lifestyle. in fact though, it is a deformity.

Evolution is nothing but cumulative deformity. You want to monocellularise yourself, slip back into the primordial soup where the only "pure" things on Earth ever existed?
This topic is filled with some of they most self hating homosexuals I have seen in a while.

Evolution is nothing but cumulative deformity. You want to monocellularise yourself, slip back into the primordial soup where the only "pure" things on Earth ever existed?

Well said.

Majority. Homosexuality is not normal because 90% of people are not homosexual. Fortunately, the question of whether it's right or wrong has nothing to do with whether it's normal.

Well attule you can start playing with words here, nothing is clearly deffined here like people try and make out. Normal is used to mean natural and as people are born gay then they it is natural and as there is no suck thing as a basic person it would be hard to find any group that could be called copleatly noraml.

Also a while back some one metioned that arguments for American History X if any one has that view after see thing film did not not watch it right as his whol view is shown to be hypocrictcal and missguided.
Lethe78 said:
Oh my god! Bunch of homophobes. Oh well, we are all entitled to our own opinions.
Too right^^^^

This level of homophobia is quite depressing. Ill admit that homosexuals make me feel very uneasy, and the thought of fudge packing is just revolting but Im more concerned about townies (bastards that wear sports gear, live every where and constantly try to kick the shit outta me).

Man of War rule, they aint gay, they are just a different culture to you. for them their appearance is acceptable.
Well i think i understand why you think the way you do demiurge, I also have shared those thoughts; " why does that guy have to act so gay, i understand you are gay, you dont have to be flaming gay to prove your point" But its not my life, and i am not about to tell others what to do with theirs.

As for the Western culture accepting Gayness, I think you are a bit ignorant of history. Gay men were everywhere in the Greco-ROman world, I think this is a obvious fact. In the renaissaince the same trend continued, in fact Savonarola's central message was to rid Florence of sodomites. During these periods men were openly flamingly gay, and hell during the 17th and 18th centuries men wore wigs and makeup. The prussian army was a den of gayness, and we all know about old Rohm and his gay exploits that Hitler didnt seem to mind until he was hard to control. So, what i am saying is open gayness has always existed and in some periods of time it is quite visible. And besides who else is going to show us how to dress and redecorate our houses?
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