Traditional Doom Metal

Black Sabbath - Black Sabbath
Reverend Bizarre - In the Rectory of the Bizarre Reverend
Candlemass - Epicus Doomicus Metallicus
Pentagram - Pentagram/Relentless
Pagan Altar - Volume 1

Is a pretty good start. Pagan Altar and Revbiz could be exchanged for Saint Vitus or The Obsessed or Trouble, etc. I guess.
Vilden forgot Nightfall which is Candlemass' second album.
It's quite a bit different from the debut, but still mega-freaking awesome.
Didn't forget, It's just tedious to list several albums of each band. It's better to pick the best one of each for diversity.

But yeah, it is mega awsome indeed.
What are the five doom albums I need to have?

Black Sabbath - S/T
Candlemass - Epicus Doomicus Metallicus
Reverend Bizarre - In The Rectory Of The Bizarre Reverend
Saint Vitus - S/T
Pentagram - S/T

You really need to own quite a few more than five though.
Gods Tower is very impressive. As is Grand Magus. Also try Pale Divine if you want some bands other than the norms.
Oh come on guys, you can't forget Solitude Aeturnus! They've been one of the most consistent Doom bands in the whole scene, and they've been doing it for 20 years. Definitely can't pass them up.
Just litened to The Gates of Slumber - Conqueror. Really good as expected. After one listen I think it will surpass Suffer No Guilt. Not sure if it will beat ...the Awakening though. Anyway, one of the top releases this year for sure atleast. I Hate pwns as always with this, Fall of the Idols and Ereb Altor released this year. :kickass:
Just litened to The Gates of Slumber - Conqueror. Really good as expected.

I went around looking for it today and no place had it. I didn't really expect anyone to have it. Looks like I'll have to order it. From the two songs on their myspace, it definitely sounds great. And I'd agree with the other poster that they've moved to a much more traditional American Power/Heavy feel, but still with some obvious Sabbath influence.
New gates of slumber didn't blow me away first listen, but after about 6-8 listens i feel this album is really fucking good and a little better than suffer no guilt. They've def. matured their sound, their influences are still very apparent but in a good way, i've always liked their soloing style. Children of Satan is an awesome song, one thing that think makes them stand out from other doom bands is that i always have their riffs stuck on my head, they are amazing at writing memorable riffs.
The artwork kicks ass also :)


has anyone heard the new fall of the idols ablum? I have it on the way, im curious if anyone thinks its better than their first album.