Traditional Doom Metal

Re Cathedral: I listened to Forest of Equilibrium and found it really underwhelming and bland for the most part. Maybe I'm missing something.

I think you should listen to it more because it's one of the most original album period and it's very interesting. I find it really weird,eerie, and creepy also.
Nec, The End Records has III: So Long Suckers for 15 dollars, AND if you order from 22nd-24th there is a coupon code for a 15.3% discount.
HOUR OF 13 IS GOING TO KILL. Should be out in a couple weeks. I'm sure that will be on my year end list (in July) as well.

You're motherfucking right it will. Too bad though, the new UoE is disappointing.

There are tons of new Doom Metal bands coming out of the woodwork that just totally fucking crush face.
The only Cathedral album I have is Carnival Bizarre and it is awesome. That is when they started going the stoner route.

get Forest Of Equilibrium NOW

I think he should get The Ethereal Mirror first, providing a smoother transition back toward the band's more traditional roots.

And you haven't heard Cathedral until you've heard "Midnight Mountain".
I think he should get The Ethereal Mirror first, providing a smoother transition back toward the band's more traditional roots.

And you haven't heard Cathedral until you've heard "Midnight Mountain".

fair enough
I've actually been wanting to try to broaden my spectrum on Death Doom, but now you have me wanting to work on Traditional Doom instead. This has been somewhat of an interesting & informative thread.