Traditional Doom Metal

Actually "I'm sick of everybody talking about it all the time" and "it's overrated" are two completely different things.
ah no. i see the distinction you are trying to make, but its pointless. people don't talk about shit albums. you can tell how well an album is regarded by how much people speak of it. hype = talking about albums you rate = overrated.
So everything that's talked about is overrated? How about you stop typing, you're tripping over your own logic.
Watching From A Distance is by no means overrated, perhaps a little bit overdiscussed but that doesn't mean anything.
Overrated is obviously subjective. I don't find it overrated, personally, on average anyway.
So everything that's talked about is overrated? How about you stop typing, you're tripping over your own logic.

err i didn't say that at all. the fact that it has been so heavily and widely discussed lately makes it overrated, as i inferred, people discuss it because they "rate" it.

"slayer - god hates us all"

- oh no'es, by my logic, that's now overrated too. :Smug:
I haven't heard them, I have in some way got in my head that they are stoner doom (which I'm no fan of and the reason why I haven't checked them out), am I totally wrong?
I certainly wouldn't describe them as a stoner band, but like with so many other doom bands, people label them incorrectly. I'd say it's definitely doom, very melancholy, occasionally a bit rockish. But they really are a great band, I've had the latest, Marie's Sister's Garden, for a while and love it. I just got the self-titled today and have only listened to it once, but it sounds great so far.

Have a listen and see what you think, I'd be interested to hear your opinion.
err i didn't say that at all. the fact that it has been so heavily and widely discussed lately makes it overrated, as i inferred, people discuss it because they "rate" it.

"slayer - god hates us all"

- oh no'es, by my logic, that's now overrated too. :Smug:

You just said it again. You are implying that lots of talk = overrated. "The fact that it has been so heavily and widely discussed lately makes it overrated." If you're not saying that talking about something a lot makes it overrated, then stop saying that talking about something a lot makes it overrated.

The amount of "rating" that an album receives is entirely irrelevant without the subjective interpretation of the listener, so saying that "The fact that it has been so heavily and widely discussed lately makes it overrated" doesn't even make sense. Watching From A Distance can be the most talked about recording in the history of mankind and can still be, to some people, underrated. I'm sure that you realize this, but it doesn't appear to be the case based on what you're saying, so I felt the need to spell it out anyway.
I certainly wouldn't describe them as a stoner band, but like with so many other doom bands, people label them incorrectly. I'd say it's definitely doom, very melancholy, occasionally a bit rockish. But they really are a great band, I've had the latest, Marie's Sister's Garden, for a while and love it. I just got the self-titled today and have only listened to it once, but it sounds great so far.

Have a listen and see what you think, I'd be interested to hear your opinion.
Thanks for the link, I wasn't at home much yesterday so didn't have time and now I'm at work, but I'll let you know what I think when I get home today! :)