Traditional Doom Metal

Some essential stuff and their best releases imo:

Forsaken - Iconoclast
Mirror of Deception - Foregone
Thunderstorm - Witchhunter Tales
Orodruin - Epicurean Mass
Dantesco - De La Mano De La Muerte
Doomshine - Thy Kingdoom Come
Has anyone tried Krux before? They're an allstar doom band with clean vocals. According to a sample DVD I got from Decibel Magazine, they're quite good.

The DVD I got even has Candlemass on it. I got that DVD way back in 2006.
Has anyone ever heard of SIRENS OF TITAN?
They're new, but real good. I'd totally put them in this catagory (but they call themselves "stoner").....
It's worth hunting down.
I have a question. I've never listened to much trad doom other than Black Sabbath, but I grew up listening to a lot of My Dying Bride/early Anathema/early Katatonia type stuff and more recently I've been getting into more funeral doom and black/doom.

Anyway I decided to get into traditional stuff more, and I bought Candlemass' Epicus Doomicus Metallicus the other day. Now I'm reluctant to exaggerate, or bag out an album which I haven't listened to much, but I absolutely loathed it. Honestly I can't see how anyone can enjoy it - it's so boring and repetitive and basic and has no atmosphere and is incredibly cheesy and has no feeling of sadness or aggression or epicness. Should I give up on Candlemass, and trad doom in general, as just not fitting my tastes?

EDIT: listening to Scald at the moment - much better! But I still think I would prefer more extreme stuff.
I have a question. I've never listened to much trad doom other than Black Sabbath, but I grew up listening to a lot of My Dying Bride/early Anathema/early Katatonia type stuff and more recently I've been getting into more funeral doom and black/doom.

Anyway I decided to get into traditional stuff more, and I bought Candlemass' Epicus Doomicus Metallicus the other day. Now I'm reluctant to exaggerate, or bag out an album which I haven't listened to much, but I absolutely loathed it. Honestly I can't see how anyone can enjoy it - it's so boring and repetitive and basic and has no atmosphere and is incredibly cheesy and has no feeling of sadness or aggression or epicness. Should I give up on Candlemass, and trad doom in general, as just not fitting my tastes?

EDIT: listening to Scald at the moment - much better! But I still think I would prefer more extreme stuff.
WTF??? boring, no atmosphere, no sadness, no epicness?
i think you should give up on Candlemass...better give up on trad. doom in general
Every word you described fits better for the average funeral doom band better than an epic doom metal band. Just give up.
I've been big into Epic doom metal lately after purchasing Into the Rectory of the Bizarre Reverend. I feel like the bands that really due justice to this sound are Isole, Reverend Bizarre, Warning, Candlemass, and Solstice. Are there anyother bands that I should look at for that share the same quality as the previously mentioned bands.
I've been big into Epic doom metal lately after purchasing Into the Rectory of the Bizarre Reverend. I feel like the bands that really due justice to this sound are Isole, Reverend Bizarre, Warning, Candlemass, and Solstice. Are there anyother bands that I should look at for that share the same quality as the previously mentioned bands.
Yes there are tons. Just read all recommendations in this thread, can't be bothered to make lists over and over all the time. :)
Start with Solitude Aeturnus and While Heaven Wept, sounds like they would be right up your alley.
No. I don't really care for them all that much, at least not Of Empires Forlorn. The first full-length was decent, but they're utterly worshiped, and I don't hear the justification for it.
Of Empires Forlorn is imo one of the best epic doom metal albums ever, pretty much only Epicus Doomicus Metallicus and Will of the Gods is Great Power that are better.

Edit: the only song I'm not sure of is the Märk Hur Vår Skugga cover (Epistle No. 81). I'm not too found of the Candlemass version either. For me the best version of it is Cornelis Vreeswijk's.