Traditional Doom Metal

This is some crybaby shit. No one is preventing you from bringing up and discussing true doom in the fucking doom thread, pussy.

Recommend me something similar to Fall of the Idols.


Great Coven (slightly darker, but heavy and slow)
I really need to check out Voodooshock. I heard they Wino's material and spiced it up or something.

Is it anything like Unorthodox?
This is some crybaby shit. No one is preventing you from bringing up and discussing true doom in the fucking doom thread, pussy.

Recommend me something similar to Fall of the Idols.

Oh fuck you.


What's so wrong with just wanting to discuss trad doom and not drone/stoner/gothic? For one thing, it would cut down the endless flame wars that go on here, if people with like taste can discuss the music they like without having to endure mindless "that's not doom", "you're a fucking dickhead" etc type posts. It's no different from having the death metal thread and the slam death thread.
what the fuck? Traditional doom metal and drone doom/death doom are so different. If you concede it's okay for a slam death and a death metal thread, yet can't see why to separate the Trad Doom and Doom, then you, sir, are an idiot.
'Watching From A Distance' from Warning is amazing

...I'm just fucking sick of hearing about it over and over again.

Well since this thread was bumped, I suppose this would be as good a time as any to bring this up again.

Where can I get a copy of this? I followed the link on there MA page and it's out of stock, and I honestly don't know where else to look.
It's going to be reissued some time this year along with the first album.

Also, for the faggots whining about the fact that there's a separate thread for Traditional Doom Metal: shut up. This is a discussion forum. We don't need a few massive threads in which we talk about every band in a massively overarching genre concept that prevents us from being able to talk about said genres anywhere else. This thread was created to narrow down discussion more minutely so that the conversation wouldn't continually be diverted and diluted and broken up as people wind their way through the very, very different styles of Doom. There are enough people here to merit a discussion solely based on Traditional Doom Metal as a thread in its own right. If you have a problem with a few people wanting to discuss only Traditional Doom Metal in a specified thread without having to weed through side discussions about styles of Metal very different from what we're talking about, then you might have some kind of mental problems. It really shouldn't be a big enough of a deal that it causes you to yell at somebody for bumping a thread that more specifically suits their needs. Why this would bother anybody, to be honest, is a bit beyond me, unless it somehow offends you that people who grew up listening to Black Sabbath, Celtic Frost, Cirith Ungol, Pentagram, and the like don't really see much appeal in crappy Drone Doom bands like Sunn and Boris as much as somebody who found their way into the genre through more contemporary bands.
Nec, why is you feel that you can ridicule any other band without any given respect? If you were attacking a few bands than okay. But you attack a ton of bands due to them not worshiping the sounds of the older bands.

Its it great you say Boris only gets recognition because of contemporary bands when they have been known to WORSHIP Venom's music. The one thing that sets them apart from your basement bands is that take that influence and twist it to create interesting, unique and memorable music.
Nec, why is you feel that you can ridicule any other band without any given respect?

I don't.

If you were attacking a few bands than okay. But you attack a ton of bands due to them not worshiping the sounds of the older bands.

Who do I "attack"?

Its it great you say Boris only gets recognition because of contemporary bands when they have been known to WORSHIP Venom's music.

Where did I say that?

The one thing that sets them apart from your basement bands is that take that influence and twist it to create interesting, unique and memorable music.

There's a lot more that separates them. And you probably listen to more "basement bands" than I do. Just because you haven't heard of some bands that I listen to doesn't mean that they're all that obscure.

Wow, I like how every single thing that you said in this entire post was completely wrong. That's quite a feat.
It just annoys me when people start showing elitism with their "dedication to traditional doom." Other than that, I don't mind a separate thread being made.

What's so wrong with just wanting to discuss trad doom and not drone/stoner/gothic? For one thing, it would cut down the endless flame wars that go on here, if people with like taste can discuss the music they like without having to endure mindless "that's not doom", "you're a fucking dickhead" etc type posts. It's no different from having the death metal thread and the slam death thread.

aren't you people the ones instigating it?
I wasn't accusing anyone of instigating and I certainly didn't give anyone shit in the doom thread. My point in bumping this thread was to try to cut down on the flaming and bring the focus back on to music discussion. Though admittedly, my post in the doom thread may have come off as sounding a bit whiney, which was not my intention.
OK sorry I was a bitch about it, and whatever. Let's talk trad. doom...recommend me essentials that aren't "classic." Newer things that people find incredible. I've at least heard/respect most of the classics already. Looking for stuff like Doomraiser, Doomsword, Fall Of The Idols, Minotauri, etc.