Traditional Doom Metal

I'm gonna check with I Hate if they have some left(they had some at a Terrorama gig a week ago atleast :p ), then I guess I'll order it together with the new Fall of the Idols that is released 29 february by the way. CAN'T WAIT!!
Don't forget Weird Light and The Lamp Of Thoth (the latter of which I know you're not apeshit about). It'd be nice to see the new Solstice and Solomon Kane out this year as well.
Have you ever heard the Tales Of Creation demo from 1985 with Leif on vocals? It's really awesome, it comes as bonus tracks on the second disc of the Tales Of Creation reissue.
Tales Of Creation the album was a full realization of some of the ideas that Leif Edling put together back in 1985 but didn't have the tools to fully develop the concept. He recorded a few songs then (which are rerecorded in altered forms for the full-length) along with additional tracks that flesh out the full concept. This is why Under The Oak was rerecorded twice, first on Epicus Doomicus Metallicus, because he didn't have any intention of ever finishing Tales Of Creation, and again on the aforementioned because it was necessary for the concept.
Candlemass is, I think the only band that I don't feel reluctant about just buying their albums blindly. How bad can they be? I've already played the hell out of their first two albums and they still remain exciting and fresh. Need to get to acquiring the rest of their catalogue.
Well I would be leary of just jumping into their post-Tales Of Creation works blindly, as there's a marked difference from thereon out. I would definitely sample first.