Indianapolis metal contingent THE GATES OF SLUMBER have completed work on what will undoubtedly be recognized as one of the most prominent true heavy/doom metal albums to be released this year, namely the masterpiece known as "Conqueror"...
What will easily serve as The Gates Of Slumber's crowning achievement, "Conqueror" is a mere reminder that there is actually quality metal, in the truest sense, being released today, and proves once again that the best metal being released today comes from the underground, where the true and dedicated dwell, those who appreciate true metal as an art form and appreciate it for the right reasons.
"Conqueror" nonetheless is an adventurous jaunt, with the epic and colossal nature of the songs being more to the point, which in turn makes "Conqueror" the most tightly knit, focused and structured Gates Of Slumber offering to date. Produced and recorded by Sanford Parker (Unearthly Trance, Nachtmystium, Pelican etc.), hence one can only expect a nice warm and natural sound that opposes all the triggered and digitally processed garbage that's pretty much polluting the scene, everything about "Conqueror" is mighty. From the memorably constructed melodies, Karl Simon's passionately sung vocals and awesome guitar solos, and the wicked rhythm section provided by bassist Jason McCash and drummer Bob Fouts, "Conqueror" is pretty much an album that defines everything we here at Profound Lore Records like about metal, and is an album that again, gives us faith that there is such a thing today as true quality metal with class and conviction.
To be released in North America May 19th and in Europe via our comrades I Hate Records, the track listing to "Conqueror" goes as follows:
1. Trapped in the Web
2. Conqueror
3. Ice Worm
4. Eyes of the Liar
5. Children of Satan
6. To Kill and Be King
7. The Machine
8. Dark Valley Suite
I. Black River I
II. Lines Written With the Knowledge that I must Die
III. Call of the Black Gods
IV. Black River II
Look for more Gates Of Slumber updates to periodically surface as the build-up towards "Conqueror" continues and an MP3 to surface in the near future.