Traditional Doom Metal

I only listened to Tales of Creation twice so far, and the one thing I don't like about it is that Messiah's vocals are a bit too far back in the mix, which makes the music less engaging, imo. Also, the songs don't really stand out, outside of the familiar Under the Oak which is great. Hmm, I was expecting Nightfall number 2, and ToC is not quite it. I should probably just listen to it more.
Solitude Aeturnus is traditional doom metal, right? I saw Through the Darkest Hour at a store the other day. Should I get it?
yeah you listed the songs

Paranoid, Children of the Grave, Electric Funeral, TV Crimes, Neon Knights, Iron Man, Lady Evil, Die Young, and Lawmaker

i have no idea how someone could just decide to like that random mishmash of sabbath songs. to each his own, i guess.
Solitude Aeturnus is traditional doom metal, right? I saw Through the Darkest Hour at a store the other day. Should I get it?
I think it's a great album. It has Seeds of the Desolate, one of their best songs ever. However, I think their first album is the best.
I prefere Wino in his other bands over Saint Vitus and am curious if anyone else does. Don't get me wrong SV is great, but Wino is a great guitarist and is very expirimental and he just offers more as a player than dave chandler and just find Wino more interesting when he's on guitar and vocals taking over songwriting/music.
The Obsessed and Spirit Caravan > Born Too Late through V > Hidden Hand (I haven't heard Mother Teacher Destroyer yet though)

However, Petra (Patra) and Jug Fulla Sun / Dead Love are Wino's best songs