Traditional Doom Metal

I only own their two EPs, none of their albums, which is kinda embaressing. I need both. Guess I'll order Suffer No Guilt together with the new Fall of the Idols from I Hate when it is released.
The Gates Of Slumber is one of the most amazing bands out there right now as far as I'm concerned. I actually still need to pick up a copy of the Awakening...I'm waiting for the reissue. I passed on the split with Spiritus Mortis though, I'm not much of a fan of SM.

I completely agree with you on that one, they really are one of the best heavy metal bands around at the moment.

If you don't like Spiritus Mortis, the split probably isn't worth getting just for the Gates side, especially if you already own Villain, Villain. Because both the Vitus and Manilla covers are on it aswell and it's only one new song. But it is a kick-arse song.
I finally listened to Pentagram-Relentless.It is every bit as good as I thought it would be & more.The riffs & solos are so awesome.Are their other releases as good as this?
IMO Relentless is their best, but Day of Reckoning and Be Forewarned are both up there and if you like Relentless you will no doubt like them too.
Pentagrams d.emos are the best Pentagram.

to Dazed and Brutal... I thought the new Valkyrie track was stunning compared to the self titled.
The self-titled is pretty good. I haven't heard much from the latest one, but what I did hear kind of bored me. Chapter VI is actually a very good album in its own right, though it's really a different band with a different sound. The songwriting is very strong though. I really like most of From The 13th Sun as well, especially the heavy Black Sabbath influence. Dactylis Glomerata can be a chore to listen through, but it's okay every once in a while. Definitely their worst (though again, I haven't heard the latest one much yet).
Dactylis Glomerata is pretty much an Abstrakt Algebra release sold as Candlemass
I finally listened to Pentagram-Relentless.It is every bit as good as I thought it would be & more.The riffs & solos are so awesome.Are their other releases as good as this?

Day of Reckoning has a cleaner, more "80's" heavy metal production, while Be Forwarned is much heavier.
This is awesome, and figured I might as well post it here as well as in the doom thread.

Wino's first performance with Saint Vitus.

In order of the videos:
1. Saint Vitus
2. Prayer for the (M)asses
3. Clear Window Pane
4. Zombie Hunger
5. White Stallions

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