Traditional Doom Metal

Have you ever heard the Tales Of Creation demo from 1985 with Leif on vocals? It's really awesome, it comes as bonus tracks on the second disc of the Tales Of Creation reissue.

Listening now. Really cool, especially Under The Oak.

Candlemass is, I think the only band that I don't feel reluctant about just buying their albums blindly. How bad can they be? I've already played the hell out of their first two albums and they still remain exciting and fresh. Need to get to acquiring the rest of their catalogue.

Well I would be leary of just jumping into their post-Tales Of Creation works blindly, as there's a marked difference from thereon out. I would definitely sample first.

What about the two newer ones? Not quite on par with the early stuff, but still very good. I haven't heard anything from Chapter VI or Daclytis Glomerata, but I do have From the 13th Sun, and the difference is stark. It's alright, but it does not "feel" like Candlemass.

The self titled is pretty sweet though

Indeed it is. Have you heard King of the Grey Islands?

I love The Well Of Souls track...

It's damn near perfect.

So I heard Pentagram for the first time. I can't believe what I've been missing!

Pentagram are pretty damn sweet, as well.

This thread is pretty damn sweet. All of my recent music purchases have been based on this thread, and I've been checking out a lot of the bands mentioned here.
What about the two newer ones? Not quite on par with the early stuff, but still very good. I haven't heard anything from Chapter VI or Daclytis Glomerata, but I do have From the 13th Sun, and the difference is stark. It's alright, but it does not "feel" like Candlemass.

The self-titled is pretty good. I haven't heard much from the latest one, but what I did hear kind of bored me. Chapter VI is actually a very good album in its own right, though it's really a different band with a different sound. The songwriting is very strong though. I really like most of From The 13th Sun as well, especially the heavy Black Sabbath influence. Dactylis Glomerata can be a chore to listen through, but it's okay every once in a while. Definitely their worst (though again, I haven't heard the latest one much yet).
I actually don't own Epicus Doomicus Metallicus- blasphemy, I know- so I can't compare it to the original. I like it, though. The updated At The Gallows End is pretty sick.
Well, I gave Candlemass a listen. THEY ARE FUCKING AWESOME. I feel like walking down to Mr.paperback right now and ordering Nightfall.
Sensational band. I've got Be Forwarned on its way from audiophileguy. How is that album?

I'm getting Relentless in the mail from apg

I also ordered some Pentagram from Audiophileguy. I got Day of Reckoning. Arrived today, and it's pretty good.

I've only heard Sign of the Wolf so far. Gonna dl some more in a bit maybe.

Tomorrow I plan on going to Mr.Paperback and ordering Relentless and Nightfall.

Those are both fucking great albums. The best songs on Relentless, imo, are Sign of the Wolf, Dying World, The Deist, You're Lost I'm Free and 20 Buck Spin.

Nightfall really doesn't have a dull moment.
I also ordered some Pentagram from Audiophileguy. I got Day of Reckoning. Arrived today, and it's pretty good.

Those are both fucking great albums. The best songs on Relentless, imo, are Sign of the Wolf, Dying World, The Deist, You're Lost I'm Free and 20 Buck Spin.

I already have Day of Reckoning. It's alright, but maybe I just need to give it more spins. I'm looking forward to Relentless though. That seems to be held in very high regard by all doom fans.
Sensational band. I've got Be Forwarned on its way from audiophileguy. How is that album?

Be Forewarned regulary rotates with Relentless as my favourite Pentagram studio album. It has a couple of less slightly weaker songs but the second half of the album is near flawless. The production is much clearer and heavier than most of the other albums, and the entire thing just crushes. Tracks like Life Blood, Petrified and the title track are beyond awesome. But do yourself a favour and the get the First Daze compilations, especially the first, which contains some of their best songs. In fact, First Daze Here is probably my favourite and most listened to Pentagram release.

Easily their most underrated, by far. I sadly don't own it yet though...

It's really worth getting the re-release, it comes with a DVD and the Sjunger Sigge Furst EP.
I don't know, the First Daze version has those slightly annoying re-recorded guitars but the "Too" version is pretty damn good. I just love the way the 90s version builds and builds. Especially the intros bass lines, Bobby really on fire with his vocals and then the guitars kick in, pure doom.