I got Spiritus Mortis s/t a couple weeks ago and since I didn't really have internet access at the time, I was unable to post about how much it fucking rocks.
Anyway, I can't wait to pick up Fallen and the new one when it comes out.
edit: Oh yeah, and now this is the first I'm hearing about Warning. That fucking blows, but I don't see how a follow up to Watching From A Distance would be possible. It would have to be a let down OR it would be better, which would actually cause everyone who listened to it to die because mortal man can only handle so much awesome.
Anyway, I can't wait to pick up Fallen and the new one when it comes out.
edit: Oh yeah, and now this is the first I'm hearing about Warning. That fucking blows, but I don't see how a follow up to Watching From A Distance would be possible. It would have to be a let down OR it would be better, which would actually cause everyone who listened to it to die because mortal man can only handle so much awesome.