Traditional Doom Metal

hmm, kind of sucks about the Warning thing, I'm sort of late to the party with this band. I keep desperately wanting some utterly tormented yet musically interesting (proggy is a plus too, but the Yob I've heard wasn't great) doom and what I've listened to of them yesterday and today may end up fitting well.
im still waiting on my The Puritan - Lithium Gates CD. anyone heard it?
I haven't heard the CD but I own the two vinyls it is compiled of. It is quite good, the second one is definitely better than the first. Don't expect standard traditional doom in the vein of Reverend Bizarre. It is much more uncompromisning, and not very catchy at all. It's not bad though, kinda reminds me of Fall of the Idols - The Seance in some ways, but more extreme.
since I imagine plenty of NWOBHM fans are in this thread, quick question- what's Pagan Altar's best album?
Everybody seems to have a different favourite, but all three albums are brilliant. My personal favourite is Mythical And Magical, I can listen to that for days on end and never get sick of it.