Is Wandering Midget good? I'm far to lazy to check out the myspace
I really liked what I heard from them. Need to investigate further...
Is Wandering Midget good? I'm far to lazy to check out the myspace
Is Wandering Midget good? I'm far to lazy to check out the myspace
Yes, especially if you like the more upbeat moments of Reverend Bizarre.
I also recommend The Wizar'd from Australia for more traditional fun and frivolity.
Question: How does the remastered version of Candlemass - Nightfall sound compared to the original?
I'm listening to Release by Revelation, and it really is as good as I had read. I'd like to buy this album, and I will as soon as possible.
After one listen, I don't see how Nightfall can top Tales of Creation, but I'll come back to this after I give it time.
I hope to get valkyrie before I go, I don't think i'll get Lord Vicar which a cd for me Koude<3