Traditional Doom Metal

Question: How does the remastered version of Candlemass - Nightfall sound compared to the original?
I'm listening to Release by Revelation, and it really is as good as I had read. I'd like to buy this album, and I will as soon as possible.
I'm listening to Release by Revelation, and it really is as good as I had read. I'd like to buy this album, and I will as soon as possible.

album of the year for me. this album has so much replay value, i can listen to this everyday and not get bored of it.
After one listen, I don't see how Nightfall can top Tales of Creation, but I'll come back to this after I give it time.

Seriously ? Nightfall is (and has always been) the best Candlemass album to my ears; proof is really by listening to either of the live albums. The best cuts always come from Nightfall - though (as Cythraul has alluded to) the production on the first pressing is really shite.
What bands should I look into next? I'm a (pretty) good fan of;

Apostle of Solitude
Cathedral(forest of equi..meh album)
Count Raven(Storm Warning--not really clicking yet)
Doomsword(if it counts here)
Hour of 13
Jex Thoth
Lord Vicar
The Obsessed(incarnate)
Pagan Altar(myth&magical)
Pentagram(First Daze Here...Relentless on the way)
Rev. Bizz(In the Rectory)
Solitude Aeternus
Valkyrie(Man of 2 visions)
Warning(both albums rule)
Unorthodox, Revelation, Iron Man, Internal Void, Leather Nun, While Heaven Wept, Pale Divine, Penance, Ogre, Saint Vitus, Mirror of Deception, Slow Horse, Dreaming

Definitely look into the old Hellhound releases.
forgot to add Revelation, release is great. I got a WHW demo, not doomy enough for me..

Im dling to try Unorthodox and Vitus, went with Born too Late and Asylum. I remember Iron Man being good just forget to buy em...which penance you recommend? I think they have a shitload of cds and no reviews on MA =/
for penance, go with The Road Less Travelled/The Road Revisited and Parallel Corners for their most "doom" releases. They gradually got less doomy as time went on, but all their releases are very good. My personal favorite being Proving Ground. Most can be bought on eBay for failry cheap except the original The Road Less Travelled.
Long-running Finnish doomsters SPIRITUS MORTIS will enter the studio today 1st of January to begin recording their long-awaited third album, tentatively due in mid 2009 via Firebox Records.

The group's self-titled debut album was released in 2004 through Rage Of Achilles. A follow-up effort, "Fallen", came out in 2006 via Black Lotus Records. Firebox Records will reissue the debut album on later date.