Traditional Doom Metal

Mourn would be so awesome if that chick didn't sound like a man imitating a woman. Maybe I'll get over it.

She always sounds to me like a big fat chick, which, strangely, is just what she looks like on the CD cover. I love MOURN in an almost erotic kind of way. You got the track from the Dark Passages Vol.2 comp ? Killer!
Was that one the forum? Fucking ace.

Denis is one of the best guitarists in Doom

I'm sure you've heard Memory Driven, they're gonna rule just as much as Oversoul and Dwell Within do.
NOTE: Don't talk about Death/Doom, Black/Doom, Funeral Doom, or any of that shit itt kthxbai.

There's just something about Doom Metal that strikes me as utterly captivating, the utter despair and the agony of life that is so often expressed in this music coupled with absolutely bludgeoning riffs that just wash over your brain and grab hold of your attention until it's done speaking to you. This all began right from the beginning, with Black Sabbath's eponymous hymn, which is to this day arguably the finest display of the genre's aesthetics, and it continues through a legion of newer bands who have essentially bypassed decades of musical evolution and have reverted back to the very foundations of the genre for their inspiration. This results in something that just feels very organic and untainted by musical and ideological devolution, to produce genuine music created by genuine disciples of Doom. It's like looking back in time to an era that were born too late to witness yourself. And yet the genre still evolves (how much, however, is arguable), with bands like Warning and Griftegard and Mirror Of Deception.

These are, in my experience, some of the finest examples of Doom Metal of all time:








Etc. You get the idea. Discuss.

In Doom related news, both Warning albums are scheduled to be reissued by Cyclone Empire Records, probably some time next year. Watching From A Distance will also be put out on vinyl, which is the first priority.

Just wait until Hellride or Shadow Kingdom get the Lord Vicar. They are on the way right now.

Everyone should get the re-release of the Asylum demo.
What do you people think of Count Raven? I have their 'Destruction of the Void'.

It just appears the kind of band that you don't see mentioned much but a noob to them would predict the contrary.