Traditional Doom Metal

I thought it was just a bad press release when I read that the new album was for, among others, fans of old Anathema and My Dying Bride, but evidently they want to go in that direction. Why bother? Nex has already got that pinned down. Oh well, maybe after the initial shock I'll appreciate it more. Actually now that I think of it, the only Isole album I have is Throne of Void, I should probably get the other two.
Yeah, I just got it and it's great. His guitar tone is virtually identical to in Reverend Bizarre (not that that's a bad thing). I think Lindersson sounds better here than in Count Raven.
Hmm, some friends who saw them in Finland the other week said that he was much worse than with Count Raven actually. That was live though, maybe he sounds better on the album.
Wow, the new HO13 song kicks fucking ass. Just read a bit more of Phil's side on the SKR drama, serious business (literally). Dunno whose side I'd take tbh.
I agree, but I also think it's gay that Tim allegedly made a big stink and went all boohoo about it; if an artist/band doesn't want to do something, they don't want to do it.
Tim was obviously right in this situation and the band was definitely gay about it, but that doesn't mean I won't support the band.

Edit: I agree that it went way more public than it needed to be, but actually the band started it on their myspace.
Gotta love how when HO13 complained, lots of random people came out saying they were butthurt by things Tim said about their labels/related endeavors on varied forums.
I've never seen Tim complain anywhere about other bands or labels.. Anyway, this band is really good and i will be buying their future releases.
Love the band, and this new track sounds great.

I really couldn't care less about the whole squabble. As long as these guys keep writing great music and Tim keeps putting out great released I don't give a shit.
From Rich Walker:

WARNING have cancelled their appearance at DSR, after the gig in Finland Pat has decided that the band will not carry on