Traditional Doom Metal

I'm still holding out hope for a First Daze Here Three...I explained to Andy yesterday a bit about the problem with Pentagram and Bedemon bootlegging. This material needs to be heard in its proper form.

After seeing that Revelation had only one review total and no reviews at all on Metal-Archives, I took it upon myself to make my first review ever be for Revelation's new album. In retrospect I should have gone over it a couple of times before actually submitting it, but I wanted to get it up as soon as possible. Hopefully I'll have more willpower the next time I write a review.
Not somebody stupid like you. I like it better when you don't post tbh, because most of the things you say are stupid and not worth reading.
I didnt say it was a bad review you doom-ass, which would make your last post right. Honestly who would read that review, and even more honestly who spends that much time writing and them going over and over again like he wanted too. Short and sweet is way better than all these fucking english majors on this board who need to use every adjective in the fucking world to praise an album.

in other news, this lord vicar ep just leaked/on bunalti and it's pretty good, only 2 songs and an intro though
People who actually give a shit about music, unlike people like you. You're irritating me enough to actually post a response to you, so please stop that. I, and others, spend time with the music and care enough about the music to be inspired to write their feelings about it and share it with others in the hopes that others will be able to share in the experience. Music is not a hobby or a past-time or a means of killing time for me, it's an extremely important part of my life, and not just at the surface level like it seems to be for you. I didn't write a 'long' review, I wrote the words that I felt needed to be said. However long that turns out to be is irrelevant in the end.

Short and sweet is for internet warriors with no attention span, that goes as well for the written word as it does for the music they listen to.
I didnt say it was a bad review you doom-ass, which would make your last post right. Honestly who would read that review, and even more honestly who spends that much time writing and them going over and over again like he wanted too. Short and sweet is way better than all these fucking english majors on this board who need to use every adjective in the fucking world to praise an album.

If you don't want to read it, you don't fucking have to. But if someone rates a cd 96 percents or whatever, it's good to defend it. It's a matter of intelligence and intelect. Someone says "OMG it's amazing buy it" on RYM, but that's not a fucking review. It's good that someone does it this fashionable way. I'm happy to see it.
People who actually give a shit about music, unlike people like you. You're irritating me enough to actually post a response to you, so please stop that. I, and others, spend time with the music and care enough about the music to be inspired to write their feelings about it and share it with others in the hopes that others will be able to share in the experience. Music is not a hobby or a past-time or a means of killing time for me, it's an extremely important part of my life, and not just at the surface level like it seems to be for you. I didn't write a 'long' review, I wrote the words that I felt needed to be said. However long that turns out to be is irrelevant in the end.

Short and sweet is for internet warriors with no attention span, that goes as well for the written word as it does for the music they listen to.

I read the whole review, and I agree that you didn't say any more than what needed to be said. Your writing has as much depth as the album you're describing. I'm excited to go buy this album, now. Where's the best place to pick it up?

And I also agree about review length. The reviews I write are considerably longer for albums that I have dedicated myself to, and am reviewing voluntarily. And I tend to write shorter reviews for stuff that I'm required to review, because I haven't as much time to let them completely sink in before I have to write the review.
Shadow Kingdom Records just got it in for $14, that's probably the best option right now. Look around though, it's better to buy in bulk from there because of the $5 flat rate shipping. Hellride also has it in stock, but I would imagine that it's more expensive. It's on a Japanese label, so it's kind of hard to find it cheap.
Trouble - Psalm 9 or The Skull
Saint Vitus - Saint Vitus or Born Too Late
Solitude Aeturnus - Beyond The Crimson Horizon
Witchfinder General - Death Penalty
Pagan Altar - Volume 1
Revelation - Never Comes Silence or Release
Penance - The Road Less Traveled