Traditional Doom Metal

Way too much stuff out that is 2476839 times better, imo.

In order to give track titles, Id have to go and listen, which unfortunately I am not going to do. lol Offhand, i remember the first track and "Kiss The Skull" to be very strong.
Anyone know of some more doom with the kind of chanting vocals that Isole uses? I like that stuff quite bit,like in "Autumn Leaves" it´s done with perfection.
RMS - check out Reino Ermitaño or The River.

Man, I got the 06 release by Reino and the riffing is great, all pretty good so far but the chick that is singing, her voice is so fucking weird when it's not the chorus :lol:

thanks all, I got Left hand solution to listen to next.
is While HEaven Wept really worth checking out. or are they overrated ear-friendly doom?

is it worth venturing beyond Solitude Aeternus' first two albums?
Way too much stuff out that is 2476839 times better, imo.

In order to give track titles, Id have to go and listen, which unfortunately I am not going to do. lol Offhand, i remember the first track and "Kiss The Skull" to be very strong. listened to the first two tracks and loved them and every other song was bad somehow despite them all being in the same vein (and Black Venom, Cult and Torch of Doom being fucking ridiculously good)? lol k
is While HEaven Wept really worth checking out. or are they overrated ear-friendly doom?
They are fucking mega worth it!

is it worth venturing beyond Solitude Aeternus' first two albums?
Yes, Through the Darkest Hour is very solid. I may like it as much as the two before actually. I haven't listened to the two after much but from what I hear they aren't as good though.
is it worth venturing beyond Solitude Aeternus' first two albums?

I really like Beyond the Crimson Horizon(i think its their 2nd) and Through the Darkest Hour is pretty good not in love(I think thats their 3rd). I havent heard the first though
is While HEaven Wept really worth checking out. or are they overrated ear-friendly doom?

is it worth venturing beyond Solitude Aeternus' first two albums?

WHW are fucking Godly. They bring about an extreme polar response though. Either you love em or hate em. I can see both sides. Initially, I hated them and passed it off as saccharine, then one day it clicked and I discovered the sheer majesty and brilliant songwriting skills that is WHW. They definitely bring something unique to the table.

In regards to Solitude Aeturnus, your next two should be Through The Darkest Hour and Alone. Both are FANTASTIC. Adagio tends to be underappreciated imho, but I never did get into Downfall.
is it worth venturing beyond Solitude Aeternus' first two albums?

absolutely! 'Through The Darkest Hour' is their best release, a mastepiece. 'Downfall' sounds a bit weak because of the fucked up production. 'Adagio' and 'Alone' are also great. you can do no wrong with Solitude Aeturnus
What bands should I listen to next? Bands that I currently like;

Candlemass - Nightfall(really gotta get around to getting the following Messiah albums)
Solitude Aeternus - Beyond and Through albums
Warning - both
Reverend Bizarre - In the Rectory
Solstice - Lamentations
While Heaven Wept(forget the album name)
Left Hand Solution - Fevered

I think that's all the doom I have atm, unless you count Mael Mordha and Scald then I got a few albums by them..but yeah any input would be sweet
What bands should I listen to next? Bands that I currently like;

Candlemass - Nightfall(really gotta get around to getting the following Messiah albums)
Solitude Aeternus - Beyond and Through albums
Warning - both
Reverend Bizarre - In the Rectory
Solstice - Lamentations
While Heaven Wept(forget the album name)
Left Hand Solution - Fevered

I think that's all the doom I have atm, unless you count Mael Mordha and Scald then I got a few albums by them..but yeah any input would be sweet

Iron Man
Saint Vitus
Las Cruces
is there somewhere where I can buy Revelation - release for ~15$? hellride is just to much, or even download it to give it a whirl, cant find either...thanks so far