Traditional Doom Metal

Well finally after almost a month I received Solstice's 'New Dark Age' in the mail yesterday and (because I can't put it any better) it fucking slays. Some of the leads are so epic I love it. Plus it has plenty of heaviness to go along. A great piece of Doom.
they fit in with that scene though, with revelation and internal void.

ive been hooked on against nature lately.
Since my PC died I forgot to add Solstice to my mp3 player, its really good I like it. I think im going to get Dark Age from SKR soon
its their best work i think.

i recently got the count raven re-releases. man, what a stellar band

gotta admit im struggling getting into epicurean mass
I was listening to that in the car on the way to work today. It's great album, but could do without the silly instrumentals. On another note, is anybody else a bit disappointed by the new Gates Of Slumber?