Traditional Doom Metal

I'm going to ignore it because he doesn't know what he's talking about. My comment was hardly inspired by this one event. I'm also not going to address the idea of a mythical telepathic bond between people who listen to the same bands.
It was not intended as a slight. That we have an utterly different approach to all that is metal-related is really nothing new at this point. And seeing as you just confirmed my statement, I really don't see the problem.
What you call "the spirit of metal" I call honor, respect, like-mindedness, companionship in sharing common qualities, etc. I just really hate the phrase and its quasi-religious implications. At least in a realistic sense. It's good for songs and for 'getting into the mood,' but it's intellectually vapid and painful. I hardly believe that "we have an utterly different approach to all that is metal-related" tbh.
I think this would be the part where I tell you to go cry me a fucking river and pull that Dawkins book out of your ass. It's obviously a completely abstract term and not meant to be taken literally, and the religious implications are exactly what makes it awesome. Get your ass to a Manowar concert already!
My theory is that metal is programming us all to respond to a special code word, which, on a set date, will be released subliminally across all major metal message boards and radio stations, unleashing legions of white suburban males on a hell-for-leather quest to overthrow all major record labels.
Of these "Traditional Doom Metal" bands, which of them feature "clean" and yet "manly" vocals? Neither death growls nor annoying high-pitched ones. (Peter Steele for example fits this criteria)

and yeah, crushing, end-of-the-world riffs of course. p.s. i have nearly no knowledge of doom whatsoever.
Of these "Traditional Doom Metal" bands, which of them feature "clean" and yet "manly" vocals? Neither death growls nor annoying high-pitched ones. (Peter Steele for example fits this criteria)

and yeah, crushing, end-of-the-world riffs of course. p.s. i have nearly no knowledge of doom whatsoever.

Most don't have harsh vocals (I can't really even name one), but uh check out Reverend Bizarre, Saint Vitus, Candlemass, Solitude Aeturnus, Oak, Doomraiser, etc.
Of these "Traditional Doom Metal" bands, which of them feature "clean" and yet "manly" vocals? Neither death growls nor annoying high-pitched ones. (Peter Steele for example fits this criteria)

and yeah, crushing, end-of-the-world riffs of course. p.s. i have nearly no knowledge of doom whatsoever.

A whole lot of them.
Just goes to show how little you know.

I wasn't whining or crying about anything, so why you would say "cry me a river" I have no idea. I also have never read any Dawkins. I don't understand why we are so worlds apart just because I don't like to use the term "the spirit of metal". But if you really want to nitpick, if "falseness" is so anathema to Metal, and we're focusing on things that are not "Metal", then conformity and religion are way the hell up there, and the idea of the spirit of metal plays right into both, so there you go. The spirit of metal is anathema to Metal. YOU ARE KILLING METAL YOU FUCKING POSER. FALSE ONE, DO NOT ENTRY!!
I wasn't whining or crying about anything, so why you would say "cry me a river" I have no idea. I also have never read any Dawkins. I don't understand why we are so worlds apart just because I don't like to use the term "the spirit of metal". But if you really want to nitpick, if "falseness" is so anathema to Metal, and we're focusing on things that are not "Metal", then conformity and religion are way the hell up there, and the idea of the spirit of metal plays right into both, so there you go. The spirit of metal is anathema to Metal. YOU ARE KILLING METAL YOU FUCKING POSER. FALSE ONE, DO NOT ENTRY!!

Logic doesn't apply to Metal! It is similar to religion in more than one aspect!!
Well Shadow Kingdom Records and Hour Of 13 had a massive falling out, and Tim is (rightfully) pissed at them. I don't know who they will be working with in the future, but they don't seem to be the most agreeable people from a label standpoint.

Tell Tim to sign The Vengeful fucking Few and find them a real artist. :p
I wasn't whining or crying about anything, so why you would say "cry me a river" I have no idea. I also have never read any Dawkins. I don't understand why we are so worlds apart just because I don't like to use the term "the spirit of metal". But if you really want to nitpick, if "falseness" is so anathema to Metal, and we're focusing on things that are not "Metal", then conformity and religion are way the hell up there, and the idea of the spirit of metal plays right into both, so there you go. The spirit of metal is anathema to Metal. YOU ARE KILLING METAL YOU FUCKING POSER. FALSE ONE, DO NOT ENTRY!!

Holy crap, wrong on so extremely many levels. And I used to think you were smart...

Firstly, you were whining about rhetorics. Secondly, you appaer to be very pragmatic in your approach to metal, whereas I am more of a romantic. Thirdly, conformity and religion are not only a part of metal, they are essential. Without them we would have no metal uniforms, 99% of all bands would die, and things would generally be extremely lame.
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