Traditional Doom Metal

For all those interested, Howie from Cauldron Born is going to be starting a new traditional doom project. I am personally anticipating this quite a lot as Cauldron Born is an amazing band, and I know Howie has the true metal spirit that will come through in his future work.

Awesome news!!!

To the dude mentioning Paul Chain - check out 1) Alkahest, then 2) Park of Reason...if you haven't yet.
recent doom/stoner etc listens are grief, 13, church of misery, obsessed, sleep, indian, hidden hand, rwake, st vitus, buried at sea, pelican... not big into funeral doom, esoteric esq stuff, candlemass is a good listen, well of souls! wall of sleep are alright too, one of them bands you either love or hate i think
Reverend Bizarre is quickly becoming one of my favorite bands. The first few times I listened to them I thought they were boring. I'm listening to III right now for the first time and it's just so fucking heavy and awesome. I'm not done with the first disc yet and I'm already liking this a lot more than their first album :kickass:

They were a major grower for me too. I was very indifferent to them through the first few listens, but when they clicked I ran out and bought a good chunk of everything they've released.
I only have the first album and Return to the Rectory, and it only took a couple of listens to each for them to really grow on me. I really need to get my hands on the rest of their stuff as soon as I can.
Does anyone have Litany's debut album? I was thinking of buying it for like 13euros since thats the best ive seen, it sounds promising...
Well Shadow Kingdom Records and Hour Of 13 had a massive falling out, and Tim is (rightfully) pissed at them. I don't know who they will be working with in the future, but they don't seem to be the most agreeable people from a label standpoint.
They went back on a lot of what they casually agreed to with Tim, such as digital distribution, among other issues. Supposedly Tim and Phil never got along well from the beginning. Now Phil posted a blog on their myspace for people to boycott the Hour Of 13 songs on iTunes. Tim wants people to boycott the band. I'm not going that far, but what they did was still pretty shitty. They also seem to be caught up in the whole 'cult' bullshit as well, as they refuse to allow a repressing of the vinyl because they want to keep it rare, which is of course lame as hell.
Considering the time and money he invested, I'd say it's waranted.

Besides, falseness is supposed to be anathema to metal, so why should anything less than outrage be even considered when it's so clearly demonstrated as it is here?

EDIT: Then again, you are the one who rejected the notion of the spirit of metal, so I don't suppose that the concept of a metal brotherhood is to you any more viable.