Traditional Doom Metal

i bought mine straight from John Brenner, and I think he's out. Hellride and Leafhound are probably your only options. Great, great album. While you're at it, grab Salvation's ANswer and Never Comes SIlence.

also grab the two from Unorthodox and Internal VOid's stuff.
What bands should I listen to next? Bands that I currently like;

Candlemass - Nightfall(really gotta get around to getting the following Messiah albums)
Solitude Aeternus - Beyond and Through albums
Warning - both
Reverend Bizarre - In the Rectory
Solstice - Lamentations
While Heaven Wept(forget the album name)
Left Hand Solution - Fevered

I think that's all the doom I have atm, unless you count Mael Mordha and Scald then I got a few albums by them..but yeah any input would be sweet
Why the fuck would you not count FUCKING Scald - Will of the Gods is Great Power?! Or do you mean some other scald? :-P

Maybe try both Fall of the Idols albums and though you seem to like the epic side more you really should check out Saint Vitus, Pentagram, The Obsessed, Witchfinder General, Pagan Altar, etc.

Btw, why bother getting the other Messiah albums when you haven't even got EPICUS DOOMICUS METALLICUS?!
:lol: ill count it from now on, and I got Seance waiting to be listened too atm...Have the 3rd Pagan Altar(one with the Crowman) its ok more hard rock than anything I think =/ and I remember getting epicus awhile back and not liking the vocals but maybe ill give it another whirl
Heh, try the first Pagan Altar, Volume 1. It is heavier and way more doomy then Mythical and Magical which imo isn't really doom metal at all (still really good tho). And try Epicus Again, wtf not liking the vocals? I probably like Lindqvist more then Messiah actually. :p

Btw, try Forsaken too, especially their EP Iconoclast. It is super good and really epic! Not many seems to care/know about them, but I don't know why because all their releases are top notch and they really should be more recognized imo.
anyone know more doom bands like Revelation? No epic doom just or too depressing.. Revelation is perfect, just wondering if more doom bands are like this?
Heh, try the first Pagan Altar, Volume 1. It is heavier and way more doomy then Mythical and Magical which imo isn't really doom metal at all (still really good tho). And try Epicus Again, wtf not liking the vocals? I probably like Lindqvist more then Messiah actually. :p

Btw, try Forsaken too, especially their EP Iconoclast. It is super good and really epic! Not many seems to care/know about them, but I don't know why because all their releases are top notch and they really should be more recognized imo.

oh yes I tried Forsaken because one of the guys posts on SKR, really liked their you know anything about Heathendom as well? might pick that up2
oh god huge misstep there I guess :lol:


have their latest and let battle commence, will do, dont really like Battle and their 07 is pretty fucking good
Resound is probably their best. That one or the their first.

Crapples: Ereb Altor is SO GOOD! Finally someone else that mentions them. I still haven't got the album, need it next time I get money.

On the Pagan Altar thing. I can see what rms means. He didn't say it wasn't metal, just that it wasn't that metal. It is less heavy and more rockish then their earlier releases so it isn't really totally off to say imo. It IS metal ofcourse though.
He said it's more hard rock than metal, so he's still wrong regardless. The Erl King is a fucking fantastic song, I get chills every time.