Traditional Doom Metal

I don't feel like later Katatonia has much of a sorrowful sound at all, nor does much trad doom (I listen to Candlemass more for epicness than sadness), so, I'd have to agree with Vilden for now even if it makes me look like a dumbass.

I haven't heard that Warning album though; I intend to once I'm able to..
I keep trying to think of a way to refute that with words but I just can't cuz I guess it's all opinion still. Nevertheless, I find that statement pretty absurd.
Saw Valkyrie live the other night at a small club in Harrisonburg, Virginia and I was totally ass raped by the riffs in the live setting. Though the vocals were clearly a little off as the singer couldn't hit all the notes, he made up for it with some sweet improv on the guitar. The best part of the whole was that everyone at the club was friends with the band so it was real casual and got to hear some shit they wrote before they got signed. I was able to meet them after the show and other then being total geeks they were genuinely nice guys who knew their doom \m/
I think later Katatonia is way sadder than early Katatonia

Every album has a select couple songs that are intense emotionally more than the rest. It's all so different from one album to the next. DoDS has 'Velvet Thorns (of Drynwhyl)', BMD has 'Brave' and 'Rainroom'(more depressing lyrically than atmosphere), DOs has 'Saw You Drown' and 'Deadhouse', TD has 'Strained' (horribly cheesy lyrics, though) and 'Right Into The Bliss', LFDGD has mutha fuckin' 'Tonight's Music' and 'Dispossession' and 'Teargas', VE has 'Evidence', but overall is less depressing and more just fuckin' dark. TGCD has 'Soil's Song'...but not every song on each album is that depressing. I'd break down some lyrics, but no one on this forum seems to care about lyrics like I do...
i care about lyrics. it's just that katatonia's lyrics are sort of bad...

tonight's decision's still my fave tbh, not sure it's the most depressing though.
Most of their lyrics are quite good, actually. They have some that are lame, but overall they're one of my favorites lyrically. TBH, Guns n Roses, Mother Love Bone, Alice In Chains, Smashing Pumpkins, and My Dying Bride have my favorite lyrics.
Well I was just pointing out that one instance, I like some of their other lyrics. Sure they can have a deeper meaning, but lyrics that make you cringe are still bad even if there's some super cool story behind them..
I spend more time analyzing lyrics than I do listening to the music usually. It's my little hobby/passion. I have a thread in the Social forum, check it out. I broke down 'Brave' for everyone. No one liked that thread though :cry:
Well, as I haven't analyzed those lyrics yet, I can't state for sure whether or not they're really great or terrible, but the bluntness of the lyrics in combination with the vocal melody in that chorus make it bar none my least favorite Katatonia song, or maybe my least favorite chorus by any band that I like.
I think later Katatonia is way sadder than early Katatonia

I agree, later Katatonia has this dark, damp sound. While earlier Katatonia is sad, it doesn't have the same level of darkness as later Katatonia. It's kinda hard to explain. But if you think about it, both early and newer Katatonia exhibit a different kind of sadness. Early Katatonia, with its melodic lines, reverb, and growls, gives off a sorrowful, sort of angry, "nocturnal howling at the moon" type of sadness. Meanwhile, later Katatonia gives off an urban, almost drug induced vibe of suicidal sadness.


Back to trad doom though, Ereb Altor is pretty damn epic. And I agree that when I listen to most trad. doom like Candlemass or Solstice, I don't feel sad. A lot of trad. doom is just awesome, epic, and empowering. Songs like Bewitched are singalong awesomefests that are wonderfully upbeat.