HAHA that has to be one of the funniest things I have ever read in all my time posting at UM. God forbid I start a discussion about a "Gothic" doom band instead of a "traditional" doom band. I mean really.
ehhh trad doom is a specific sub-genre of which MDB clearly ain't a part. you might as well be posting about them in the BM thread for all the relevance they have. i don't have anything against MDB either, but knowing this OCD shitheel of a forum i'm sure there's already a thread more suited to discussion about them.
fyi i hate the whole meticulously-categorised and genrefied format of this forum and would happily have new threads for every band people wanna discuss, because i'm not some kind of ocd weirdo like a lot of the people here
but you don't even post here anymore, why do you care about how the forum is setup? I use this thread as the only spot for people who actually listen to legitimate music and show others, since that world is pretty much dead on UM.
well yea i agree but i would probably post here more if there was a higher standard of posters and i think the shift in format a few years ago served as a catalyst for that number declining. that said, i've quite enjoyed coming back recently, and some of you are aight
This in't doom, but my taste (and the music) is true enough to post it here. Tarot, side project of Will from The Wizar'd. I haven't heard the new tape yet (it's on the way) but Life And Death is the best thing I've heard all year. Organ heavy Heavy Metal/Hard Rock with beautifully restrained leads and lovely warm production. Listen or blah blah blah.
I'm bringing the topic from albums kicking your ass to here.
So I fucking love Pallbearer now. I can't listen to all of the recs I got yet because I'm not blowing data on youtube and I only have Spotify right now. Anything else I can try that's of the caliber Pallbearer is?
EDIT: I also for sure know I enjoy The Sword and Cathedral. I've never listened to much doom in that style, honestly.
not saying these are alike to pallbearer in style (although warning are similar in some ways), but they're all widely considered to be classics and all fantastic:
rev biz - IN THE RECTORY...
cirith ungol - KING OF THE DEAD
solstice - NEW DARK AGE
trouble - PSALM 9
saint vitus - SAINT VITUS
pagan altar - VOL. 1
pentagram - FIRST DAZE HERE
even more impressive when you consider that nothing else sounded like that in the mid-'70s. i mean, obviously it's very sabbath-indebted, but even sabbath were doing something very different by the time most of these songs were recorded.
Revelation's entire discog is sort of similar i guess? But for that specific release i'd probably say Release, but seriously they are one of the best metal bands ever.
Maybe you'll like Pilgrim, but i'm not a fan personally
I majorly overdosed on Watching From A Distance when it first came out. I was living in Tokyo at the time and feeling so ornery and as a consequence I find it pretty difficult to listen to now without becoming rather melancholic. That and it is also quite gay in parts and I would much rather listen to Ranger or Liege Lord.