Traditional Doom Metal

I really dont listen to Warning any more either. It's great but it lacks a bit of edge. I'm gonna be that guy and say I'd really rather listen to Pallbearer but even then would rather listen to meatier doom.

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I like The Strength to Dream but it definitely doesn't stand out as much as Watching from a Distance.
It's a much more typical doom album in comparison to Watching from a Distance in terms of music, vocals and lyrical content. Watching from a Distance stands out as a much more unique and distinctly different effort in comparison to albums by other bands, while The Strenth to Dream is a solid album that doesn't do much to be a distinct effort among the genre.

You can prefer whichever one you want to, but it's obvious that Patrick Walker and friends stepped up and made a much more personal and unique album the second time around.
I know I can prefer whichever one I want to, I hardly need somebody to remind me of this.

But I can agree with all of that, they most certainly stepped up the lyricism on Watching From A Distance and the production is much more in-your-face. Somewhat overwhelmingly so at times for me.

In the end it's likely an irrational bias on my part, as I heard The Strength To Dream first and listened to it so many times before I even discovered Watching From A Distance.

Also I do like the vocal style, but prefer the older delivery more. More subtle.
Watching From a Distance is pretty much a flawless album. One of the top 10 doom metal releases for me. It also paved the way for a different style of doom that we see in bands like Griftegard and Pallbearer. I listened to it fairly recently on a drive and it fucking hurts sometimes. Not too many albums can do that.

It's one of those rare great albums that I can't listen to very often because of how depressing it is. Definitely very mood-oriented.