USA vs Europe

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I've met a few norwegians, and only one of them spoke to strangers. They are incredibly closed people, but as ong as they carry on crapping black metal, it's fine for me.

Paris is rubbish and the french are all half retarded. Britain on the other side is good because 90% of the girls are complete whores :)
A lot of history -- America has history as well, but the history here goes further back.

Bah. America doesn't have a history. It's got like 200 years. The majority of which is filled with all the immigrants being bastards to anyone and everything.

You were here first you say?
But we have guns. Problem solved.

Ah. You know what we need now? Slaves so we don't have to work.

WHAT? WE SHOULDN'T HAVE SLAVES? Fight fight fight.

Slaves let go.

Slave still treated as lower class citizens.

Inner war with itself during the depression...

Pretending to be the hero in WW2, but only doing so because you realised that if we lost you'd be screwed and couldn't hold off the German's on your own...


Cold War.



Job done.

Any part of Europe on the hand? Tons of it.

America has White Castle.


Britain has Borris Johnston.

America is a bit more developed, and American consumers are the first to get all the cutting edge technology. But there is more social security in Europe (ie it's not as easy to get fired or laid off, everyone has health insurance, and the wealth isn't overwhelmingly concentrated in the hands of the countries' CEOs and VPs, but is more distributed). A balance between America's extreme capitalism and Europes more socialist system would be ideal. Europe may on the whole also be a safer place to live, due to the fact that it is not as much of a target of terrorism (barring England) and an overall much lower percentage in violent crime. I like living in America. I definitely prefer European metal on the whole, but that is completely unrelated.

I have nothing but love for the swedes, honest! You are basically like us Norwegians, except with a girlier language! :p
Hehe, scandinavia as a whole rules pretty much, except the danes because I can't understand them :( (Skåne is a province of Denmark in denial too!)
Bring back the baby seal.

So I can club it.
He's on vacation right now, relaxing and getting ready to dodge the seal clubbers when he gets back. :>
One of my favorite creatures :kickass:
Yeah I like it too, totally ok sideboard card against control and combo decks. He is beginning to get alittle dated though.
got nothing against the people of america but i get kinda pissed when i hear comments such as "good ol´ america", i mean what the hell? it´s one of the youngest countries in the world.
European > American girls, because they are less materialistic and superficial on the whole, and they look just as good. European girls really don't care how much money you make, and you can't say that about the average American girl.
got nothing against the people of america but i get kinda pissed when i hear comments such as "good ol´ america", i mean what the hell? it´s one of the youngest countries in the world.
Older than many modern states of Europe

Fuck off with this British shit. I will have no part with Scotland, and Wales. European girls >>>>>>> American girls.
Fine. English girls were often ugly. I have never been to Wales or Scotland.
European > American girls, because they are less materialistic and superficial on the whole, and they look just as good. European girls really don't care how much money you make, and you can't say that about the average American girl.

What makes you think you know every European and American girl out there? They are just as bad over here.
European > American girls, because they are less materialistic and superficial on the whole, and they look just as good.

Nope, European girls normally weigh under 3 tons and don't have spots instead of noses.

European girls really don't care how much money you make, and you can't say that about the average American girl.

You should see the ones that come from eastern Europe. They are always prepared to steal all your money and end up working as prostitutes.
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