Vocals meaning in metal (especially in death and black metal).

Alongside Death

On The Descent To Hell
Oct 9, 2005
Well I wanted to talk with you guys about it. I had a conversation with a couple of my friends who don't listen to metal. They have just accidently heard some DM and BM and they said that the music is good until the vocal starts. I was wondering how those two metal genre would sound without the vox. I think that vocals are the main reason why dm and bm are called so (excluding the lyrics). Imagine, how would for example Cannibal Corpse sound with Trivium vocalist and what genre would they be without growling vox. I wanted to ask you people, what value have the vocals in metal especially in DM and BM for you.

Discuss or IBL? :danceboy:

EDIT: "I think that vocals are the main reason why dm and bm are called so (excluding the music speed)". The point with lyrics was fucking stupid.
!T.O.O.H! do not suck. They are one of the craziest best death/grind bands to ever exist. Fucking great band, along with Lykathea Aflame easily the best death/grind around.
The vocals need to match the aggressiveness/mood of the music. Regular singing can only match the music to a certain point before they need to harshen up.

Evidence of this is the 80's when heavy/thrash metal was getting more aggressive and bands like Celtic Frost put more aggression into the singing to match the music. As the music got more intense, so did the vocals until finally all sense of singing was lost and the trademark shrieks, grunts and growls developed.
If my favorite death metal bands did not have vocals despite me being a musician realizing music is more important still would not listen. That would be weird as hell to me. Have you ever practiced your songs on guitar with a drummer without bass guitar or vocals, it's weird and not something I like doing. Unless you go full on wanky prog you need vocals as a slight distraction. I have heard one instrumental band that sounded fine without vocals.

Music does determine a genre over vocals. Death and Black metal have a certain playing style with the instruments that make it a genre. Both genre's are heavily rooted in single notes and harmonizing, power/bar chords secondary for rythmn.

These genre's are like guitar solos except the songs/riffs are not improvised having repeating patterns that create an atmosphere. Almost like a piano for example.

Sorry if this is not a good description(rushed).
Death metal would be pointless without vocals. The whole point of death metal is to be aggressive and brutal (both musically and lyrically), and the intensity of the music adds to the dark mood of the music. I mean, think about it this way: would you really want someone with clean vocals singing:

Slicing through the flesh
A knife stuck in your neck
Stabbing out your eyes
Cutting through the spine

Authentic Metalhead said:
Death metal would be pointless without vocals. The whole point of death metal is to be aggressive and brutal (both musically and lyrically), and the intensity of the music adds to the dark mood of the music. I mean, think about it this way: would you really want someone with clean vocals singing:

Slicing through the flesh
A knife stuck in your neck
Stabbing out your eyes
Cutting through the spine


It would then sound like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fc-V3NYckOI :heh:
Their name, and typing it out yeah. Their music, fuck no. Second best Death/Grind band ever. Only Lykathea Aflame have bettered them.