Vote Best Metal Country

Best CURRENT Metal Country

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I said UK, not just coz im from the UK, but because it's pretty much the only place left where there are REAL mosh pits and circle pits at concerts. The only place I've been to that has more hardcore pits is Russia, I mean, fookin hell they go nuts, even more so than at Download, Ozzfest or any other huge concerts... they're just beyond insane
Why the fuck am I one of two to have voted France? "Oh, nevermind the extraordinary black metal scene, we'd rather vote for washed out Norway!". Or are you all still too repressed by your own governments to look at the word "France" without thinking "Fuck 'em, they won't support our war, I won't vote for their scene"
lmao Decedant, yes I do know how to headbang thankyou, that's what moshing is here, headbanging and moshing are the same thing from around here apparently, but I don't care what it's called, I just headbang through every concert, love headbanging, it's just a hell of a lot of fun
The first topic I read is about thrash, the first reply is:

"im not an expert with metal ( surprise ) if Metallica or Ozzy Osbourne count then well i choose them or SOAD or iono i like different stuff and dont know what is thrash "

'Nuff said, methinks.
MILFhunter General said:
Because of what Décadent has already pointed out.

People go for Norway because they think it's so tr00 Qvlt norsk Arsk Blakk Metal BBERHGHA! -when the scene is tired, and bands from there often just rely on these pretentious conceptions.

ah, for the record. i voted for norway cuz i like the music and im norwegian (by heritage)
Xeroth said:
I said UK, not just coz im from the UK, but because it's pretty much the only place left where there are REAL mosh pits and circle pits at concerts. The only place I've been to that has more hardcore pits is Russia, I mean, fookin hell they go nuts, even more so than at Download, Ozzfest or any other huge concerts... they're just beyond insane

I agree with Krig and Authentic. Mosh pits are just annoying. I would much rather watch the band I paid to see then play grab ass with a bunch of sweaty rednecks with anger management issues.
Authentic Metalhead said:
I don't know about any of you, but I go to concerts to enjoy the music being put on by the band, not beat around people I don't know. I don't like mosh pits.

*waits for comments about being a pussy to laugh at them*

I think you'll find most people here are of the same opinion, if I remember correctly from the last moshpit discussion.
Xeroth said:
I said UK, not just coz im from the UK, but because it's pretty much the only place left where there are REAL mosh pits and circle pits at concerts. The only place I've been to that has more hardcore pits is Russia, I mean, fookin hell they go nuts, even more so than at Download, Ozzfest or any other huge concerts... they're just beyond insane

It is true, Brits beat each other to death in pits. Machine Head played here (Portsmouth), and that pit was complete insane, 20 odd people walked out with their heads cut open and stuff.
And im of different opinion, I love mosh pits.
somebody had said it earlier and I'll reiterate it...I voted OTHER as one of my 3 choices because a good chunk of bands I've been listening to have come from Ireland and the Ukraine. Ireland has a phenomenal record (Primordial, Mourning Beloveth, Geasa, Wreck of the Hesperus...) as does the Ukraine (do I need to mention their black metal scene?). I think it's more about quality over quantity...even though quality in mass amounts does help
Killbot said:
I think you'll find most people here are of the same opinion, if I remember correctly from the last moshpit discussion.

I must've missed that discussion. But that's good, I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who appreciates a good live show without any injuries. I like to get involved in mosh pits at local shows, though, because there's only about 6 or 7 people in them and they all know each other.