What are you doing/have you done today/this week?

doing a broadcasting course this week, so I'll be on the radio from 12-2pm everyday on 90.7 syn fm :]
I might chuck some NeO on seeing as I've got two hours, haha.
Ive had way to much time, i need a job -bad-, ive been on you tube -alot -
Playing wow aswell as per always..
I need a life...

Already did, Vreddypoos. (Bahahaha.)

Let's see. I spent 11 hours hiking through the forest on the weekend. Saturday night (technically Sunday morning, as it was 1am) I found a random bathtub in said forest. Decided to get clean. It was amazing. And frightening. Can't wait to go back and do it again.

I'm so fucking metal >.<

That sounds so fucking rad, amazing and more (rant on)
If you do/'nt, you could of brang a man/women along and made it sexy =p

Im uber jelious :erk:
Not interested in making things sexy, alas. I'm too selfish to share my tub. If I can ever find it again... I was fair smashed, and took an hour to find my way home again. *headdesk*
Ok, so the last couple of weeks I was floating around in America (LA, Vegas and NY) and I have a pretty cool story to tell.

When my wife and I got to our Manhatten hotel we walked up to the closest road and found that it was Broadway, with Times Square about 80 metres away. Going the other way up Broadway was the Ed Sullivan Theater where The Late Show with David Letterman is filmed. So the next day we're walking past, and think that there is little chance of seeing the show, but we try anyway. I walk through the front doors and ask about seeing a show. This is on a Saturday or Sunday, and we can only make the Monday filming because we were going to leave on the Tuesday. The staff tell us there are actually two shows being filmed on Monday, and that we can fill out a form to enter a ballot for tickets, as they assign them more or less on a lottery basis.

So we filled out the forms and they said if we are lucky and receive tickets then they'll call our hotel room. So we head off and do whatever, then when we get back to our room there's a message on the phone - we've got tickets and we have to be at x in time for y etc.

Then we find out that one of the episodes being filmed that day was to have President Barack Obama as the sole guest.

We turn up at the right time and pick up our tickets, then wait in the assigned queue. All the streets around us close down with secret police, cops, snipers (no shit), and we're thinking, this is it, we've got the Obama episode. Ours was the first of the two to be filmed that day. Rumour got around that yes, we did indeed have Obama. We file into the theatre after going through a metal detector etc.

We get into the studio and they tell us President Obama will be the guest. Everyone goes crazy. We then have the usual t.v warm up guy then Dave Letterman comes out (I'm a huge fan since my uni days). The show starts, and we witness a 35 minute interview with Obama himself.

When we left at the end there were hundreds of people lining the streets behind metal barriers trying to get a glimpse, and to think two Aussies just walked in off the street and got exclusive tickets.. well, you never know until you try!

True story.
Whoa, awesome story, I've been to NY a few times, always rather liked it there.

Today was one of my last days at my job, I have one more 3 hour shift left, it's honestly a little depressing since I'll barely see any money from it, but eh, I gotta find a new job or find a bunch of students to give guitar and bass lessons to...

Also finally bought bass strings! It has been ages, hahaha...now to restring it and try to set it up...that's not gonna be fun...
Right now I am flight-shopping so that I can still make Be'lakor on Friday, fly to Sydney for the NRL Grand Final, and get back after the game Sunday night so I can make Uni at 8:30 Monday morning. I might JUST make it.
Here's another story, played out at a Monash Clayton coffee outlet, yesterday. This is basically word for word.

Me: Can I please have a medium size white coffee, takeaway.
Girl 1: What do you mean?
Me: Just a normal coffee with a bit of milk in it.
Girl 1: Oh, a latte!
Me: No, not a latte. That's all milk. *looks at coffee menu* Maybe a flat white.
Girl 2: That's also all milk.
Me: What is the difference between a latte and a flat white?
Girl 2: A latte has froth on it.
Me: Oh.
Girl 2: Maybe I can get you a black coffee and put some cold milk in it.
Me: Thanks...
All that effort just for a basic fucking coffee. I'm sick of idiots.

This week, I... Turned 25, got a job when I went to order salad (epic amusement there), and joined a band that won't go anywhere that I already hate being in. :)
Got back from Mongolia this morning. Had the most brilliant time! So many highlights...

Highlight 1 - Seeing Altan Urag play live in a pub in Ulaanbaatar. They're the ones who did a lot of the soundtrack to the movie Mongol. Picked up four of their CDs. Drums, morin khuur, horn-thing (I don't know what they're called, but they're a bit like a horn with an oboe reed), grand khuur, yatga and throat singing. So good!

Highlight 2 - Horse riding to the top of a mountain overlooking Lake Khovsgol. Need I say more?

Highlight 3 - Staying with a Kazakh family who spoke no english. Singing english songs, and then listening to them sing their Kazakh songs.

Highlight 4 - Going on an eagle hunt (i.e. hunting for foxes, using eagles) with a Kazakh family, and almost losing the eagle in the process, trying to communicate with a 16yr old Kazakh kid who spoke almost no english. Yes and no was all he really knew.

Highlight 5 - Having a hoomi (throat singing) lesson with Baatzorig Vanchig, one of the best throat singers around.

It was so good!
Sounds like an experience and a half Doigy! I hope you took lots of photos. You're quite the adventurer! ;)
phew...this whole week i was busy helping out a bar association conference in singapore...got to meet a lot of very powerful people in both legal profession and government, and eat a lot of very expensive dinners. good experience, but i'm going to sleep well this weekend :D