What are your favourite movies

Originally posted by Troyanasy
Here some titles for you Mortal Coils

1- Naked
3- State of Grace
4-King of New York
666 - Spice Girls eat the Crack Street Boys


Yes I agree...Free Manson.....so he and his brain dead cohort fucks can have fun with your nuts with a dull razor! Before you say such crap you better get your facts on these sick fucks strait in your head instead of idolizing them because it may be "cool" in your circle of friends. Be a leader not a follower! Making a hero out of a Cowardly murderer is sick dude!
Originally posted by Skreemqueen
What was that electroshock thing that they were doing to her in the end? That was awful. I actually think that she was nuts from the beginning to the movie. It's so sad.:cry:

I don't really know. Yah, she was a pretty crazy bitch through the whole thing.
someone from this movie got nomniated for an oscar or golden globe i think. i forget who though.
that movie made me look at drugs alot differently. whether or not that stuff happens to all, it changed the way i look at it. But i was against drugs in the first place. and now i only hate them more. so stupid. seems like a waste of time and money. but i'm sure their are LOTS of people on this board who would disagree with me. but hey, evryone has the right to an opinion, but should be able to back it up
Originally posted by Ecstatic Youth

But i was against drugs in the first place. and now i only hate them more. so stupid. seems like a waste of time and money. but i'm sure their are LOTS of people on this board who would disagree with me. but hey, evryone has the right to an opinion, but should be able to back it up

I agree with you! I've seen a lot of my friends just throw everything away on drugs. I don't get it.
I am amazed at how many people actually smoke pot. There is an AMAZING amount of people. It's crazy. It's like it's the 'done' thing, like it's cool or something.

Another thing that amazes me is cigarette smokers, i went out last night, and seriously about 80% of the people were sucking on a cancer-stick. It was obscene...
Yah, it BLOWS my mind how many smoke pot. what is it about it? So many fucking people do/have done it. I have SO MANY friends who do it. SO many people. Wow, it's crazy. I know people who smoke up like 4 times a day. thats all they do. they come home from school, eat, go out and smoke up. they are so damn burnt out all the time its sick. Doing drugs makes me sick. it just pisses me off now. like when i find out my best friend smokes up, i just get pissed off, its alomst disappointing. no, it is disappointing, plenty disappointing because its such a waste and it doesn't do any good. doesn't it fuck your memory up and stuff. because if it does, then i think it's affecting her that way and it sucks shit. although I know more people who smoke pot than cigerettes, and THAT'S scary.
cuz that's what it is now- a fad. drugs are no longer a rebellion- they are a way of cloning yourself- of becoming one of the "in-crowd". why don't you just start wearing flipping abercrombe while you're at it, you pathetic excuse for rebels!!! AUGH!!!:mad:
**pant pant pant*** okay... i'm better now.
but yeah- i've always maintaned that drugs were the stupidest thing one could do to one's self. it's reasuring to know that i'm not entirely alone in that.
actually, i'm kinda afraid of ever doing drugs of any kind. i think it has to do in a BIG BIG part with loss of personal control. am i crazy?? i think not.
Originally posted by Ecstatic Youth

You have value and respect for your own life

Value and respect for one's own life. That seems to be losing place in today's society too. Tell me, when did having self-respect become such a major, unforgivable, burn you at the stake crime?:confused:
Originally posted by Trapped

Another thing that amazes me is cigarette smokers, i went out last night, and seriously about 80% of the people were sucking on a cancer-stick. It was obscene...

And the best thnig is, when they offer you a cigarette and you say, no thanks I am not smoking, they tell then "It is better that you are not smoking, it is healthier" !!!!!:confused:

Are they idiots or am I?
* Tim Burton's Nightmare Before Christmas
* Lord of the RIngs
* Gladiator
* The Sixth Sense
* Braveheart

Originally posted by Skreemqueen

Value and respect for one's own life. That seems to be losing place in today's society too. Tell me, when did having self-respect become such a major, unforgivable, burn you at the stake crime?:confused:

It' such bullshit
it seems as if the more bad ass and stupid you are the more laughs you get and the more respet(why respect? i don't know) you get from your peers and friends, who aren't even yuor friends they just hang around to get some of your shit
Good God(who?)!!! how many more people need to fuck themesleves up in so many ways before they fucking learn.
I know people who have watched some of their friends get so fried and arrested and ruin their lives and get kicked out of their houses and go to rehab and then go and do fucking crack and heroine and shit. people are retards.
and another strange thing is that I know people who actually think that it is affecting their memories and THEY STILL DO IT!
Even though this person happens to be my best friend, I don't have ANY sympathy andpitty for them when they wake up the next morning burnt out and feeling like shit. none. no sympathy.
damn it, i can't stress enough how stupid it is.
and she(best friend) always says she can control, and i believe her because i trust her, but when she falls down(you know what i mean) and fucks herself up good, i don't know if i'm going to be there to catch her(not in the physical sense of course) because she did it all to herself. sure i may sound like a dick and all, but she knows that when she fucks herself up(IF she does), i'll care, and i'll care alot because its such a disappointment, but i won't pitty her and tell her its alright, because its not.
Ha ha, i like to look at drugs this way:
Stoner one: "hey do you wanna go commit suicide tonight?"
Stoner two:"Yah man, i got a new bong we can do it with too!"
Stoner one:"sweet, committing suicide is fun!"

So, anyone here known people(close or not) promise and promise not to fuck themselves up and then they did and there was nothing that you could really do about it? And how did you feel and how is that person now by the way?
Originally posted by enitharmon

And the best thnig is, when they offer you a cigarette and you say, no thanks I am not smoking, they tell then "It is better that you are not smoking, it is healthier" !!!!!:confused:

Are they idiots or am I?

ever heard of the word addiction?
Originally posted by Ecstatic Youth
So, anyone here known people(close or not) promise and promise not to fuck themselves up and then they did and there was nothing that you could really do about it? And how did you feel and how is that person now by the way?

I can't tell you how many good friends that I've had and have that just don't give a damn about their own lives. I used to care, but you know what? They don't care, why the hell should I? You can't help a person that doesn't want to help themself. It's so aggravating when you're moving ahead in your life and you look behind you and you see all the people you knew who could have been better and just threw it all away. And the worst part is that they think it's so cool to be completely fried all the time. Yeah, it's cool all right. Two of my firends now, they're always fucked up and they're always sick, yet they go out and party and get fried again and again. I mean, they actually have friends that have died doing that shit. You think that would knock some sense into people. LOOK! YOU COULD POSSIBLY DIE!!! Oh what fun, what fun.:mad:
I don't know how this turned into a marijuana discussion... but I'll put in my 2 cents.

I smoke marijuana every now and then as I find it a fun and enjoyable experience. I damn well know the consequences of smoking marijuana. Hell, I know more than the majority of you who are knocking it.

For your information, I am completely fine since I usually only do it every 2 - 3 weeks. I also have a strong moral base. That's one person has said about me, I can do all the drugs I want because I have a strong moral base that will not allow myself from going to the extremes (suicide and such).

People who fuck themselves up from marijuana are probably very weak people. Since marijuana is not as addictive as cigarettes are, it's easy for me to be in control.

Frankly, people who commit suicide as a result of using marijuana are probably already suicidal. Thus, they are stupid for doing drugs while in that state of mind.

Plus, alcohol is a more dangerous drug than marijuana. If you compare a person who gets drunk everyday to a person who gets stoned everyday, it's most probable that the drinker will die first.

And oh, by the way... cigarettes can suck me. I hate them with a passion. Never saw the point in them as they have minimal effect.

Originally posted by Skreemqueen
They don't care, why the hell should I? You can't help a person that doesn't want to help themself

Good point. But i don't even try to help.
i am just really damn angry and confused now about what the hell to do. I don't want to be around to her fuck herself up. damn it! :mad: this sucks. i hate drugs. they do so many bad things to people, no tjust those doing them. but if, and when(hopefully she doesn't), i don't want to be there to see it, so i'm either going to detatch myself before hand, or just say i told you so and do it then so i don't have to see it.
Bah! People are lame. Maybe i'm thinking about it too much, or maybe it's just lots of other things with this person that are making it seem worse to me.
who knows
it all sucks
In reply to Battle Angel, I wasn't speaking specifically of marijuana. As a matter of fact, I would rather see people do that drug if the do any at all because, as a good friend of mine pointed out, it's a lot more natural than most drugs. Actually, the drugs that the people I know do are more along the lines of crystal meth and speed.

And in reply to Ecstatic Youth, I know where you're coming from. Child of Vision can back me up here. We had a good friend who just didn't know when enough was enough. Have you ever seen the movie SLC Punk? There's a scene where Stevo and his friend come upon an old friend of thiers who ended up on the streets, and after they leave, he says something like it really messed him up, not the fact that the kid was a bum, but Stevo turning his back on him.