ho - some of the favs ... hm I was in movies for soo long time .. had to look each fuckin film I could reach and forgot 90% .. brain´s crowded hehehe
* 12 monkeys
* M. Pythons (yellowbeard, life of brian,..)
* Brazil
* Willow (its really nice

* Lotr part 1 (of course hehehe ... thats a movie!!)
* Mash!!!
* The crow
* Lethal Weapons
* Bruce Lees (woah he is go(o)d!)
* The kiss of the dragon (here comes Bruce´s successor)
* 7 Samurai (Akira kurosawas masterpiece that was refilmed several times .. latest was "last man standing") .. not sure if i cite it right ...
* 5th element
* Leningrad Cowboys - and all other Kaurismäki
* Deep blue
* Terminator 1
* Alien 1,2,4
* Dune
* Highlander (1 ... the rest is just shit)
* Subway
Someone mentioned Russ meyer ... hehe I like them, too

but they´re not soo fav
finally: some movies I forgot the english titles .. like
* Himmel über Berlin (W. Wenders)
* Es ist nicht leicht ein Gott zu sein (nach Strugatzki)
.... well these are some I remember