What are your favourite movies

Another stupid story is, when the kids smoke some grass at 7 am bevor they go to school, or drinking red bull with painkillers for breakfast, just for fun! And i know some people who fucked themselves up with heroin. Ther's nothing you can do.

What is fun in not being able to control yourself? I don't understand it. I've had lots of friends ruin their lives with drugs and alcohol. One in particular is now in a mental hospital because he fried his brain so badly doing pot and acid. His story is particularly sad because he had such potential. His IQ was something like 160 and he even was able to skip a grade in school. He thought like most drug users do, "I can control it". But in the end he couldn't and now he can barely even remember his friends and family. So, more power to you if you think you can control it. Don't come crying to the rest of us when you realize you can't any more. I don't have pity for people that bring their problems on themselves.
Originally posted by Skreemqueen
In reply to Battle Angel, I wasn't speaking specifically of marijuana. As a matter of fact, I would rather see people do that drug if the do any at all because, as a good friend of mine pointed out, it's a lot more natural than most drugs. Actually, the drugs that the people I know do are more along the lines of crystal meth and speed.

And in reply to Ecstatic Youth, I know where you're coming from. Child of Vision can back me up here. We had a good friend who just didn't know when enough was enough. Have you ever seen the movie SLC Punk? There's a scene where Stevo and his friend come upon an old friend of thiers who ended up on the streets, and after they leave, he says something like it really messed him up, not the fact that the kid was a bum, but Stevo turning his back on him.

Yah, i saw that movie. great movie too. but i can understand how it would suck tuning your back/getting your back turned on by someone, but in a situation like this, you can't really do much
now from your stories, it seems alot worse than mine, because my friends do weed, shrooms, hash, oil and E sometimes. Now, its not as bad as Redbull and painkillers, heroin and what not, but that may be because me and the ones i'm talking about or only 16/17. so, when they get to your age, it may be alot different as this is a common path at this age, or so it seems. but how may ppl do they need to see fuck themselves up before they learn? And the funny thing is, every single damned persno that uses drugs, from the beginning with weed, sya that they can control and will sure as fuck never say that its gone too far until something really fucking bad happens. for now, i wait to see if she breaks her promise, and i hope to hell she doesn't because if she does then that means it has gone too far and its not under control and that would be extremely hard to have to watch her go through that, and you know, i probably wouldn't. i'd be somewhere else. it all seems to start the same though, they do it a bit, then a bit more, then say they had enough and that some of their friends who do it WAY too much are stupid for doingso much and they'll never end up like them, and then they start hanging with them, and thats where i'm at now. can anyone possibly complete that for me?

"they do it a bit, then a bit more, then say they had enough and that some of their friends who do it WAY too much are stupid for doingso much and they'll never end up like them, and then they start hanging with them"....where to now anyone who knows from a pattern they've seen?

And she has alot of fucking potential too, lots. she is really damn smart and really, really damn beautiful, and lately shes been getting bad marks in classes that require some sort of reasonable effort(so the easy as fuck classes with good marks don't weigh so much in this situation) and she never does homework, has bags under her eyes, doesn't care about homework really. damn it all to fucking hll god damn it. fuck! i ahte this shiT!

It all blows ass so much
and you know whats coming up in 1 year, her 18th birthday where she can go get drunk alot(i think thats the age) and to bars and meet crazy psycho new ppl with NEW drugs! YAY!! and then they can all go hop in a car and get in an accident! what a way to end IT!!!!!!!
WooooH! was it fucking worth it retards?
thats a hypothetical and hope-it-doesn't-happen situation, but from the path she leads, who the fuck knows. it seems like a steady preogression from normal to bad to worse to really bad

but i hope for the best

often when i think of this all(which i may very well be blowing out of proportion this whole time), i think of the movie the Basketball Diaries(i think thats the name) and how fucked Leonardo Dicaprio and that other guy get. it ends up good, but sure as fuck didn't need to get their the way it did.
Actually, I'm only 17 myself, and I can't believe how many people I've known. It makes me so angry sometimes, but at the same time, I'm just happy that I had the good sense to keep clean. I know that I don't need drugs to have a good, decent, fun time. I go out all the time with all kinds of people, and somehow, we always manage to find something fun to do. I just don't get why other people can't do the same.
Yah, i don't get it either
i go out with a bunch of my friends, most of the time with the few who are completely against drugs and are almost as pissed as me, and we get hyper as fuck and just go nuts in my friends basement all night, and we have a fucking awesome time. We have so much god damn fun, and you know what, we don't need to be fucking high to have that fun. And alot of the time, i'm sure we may seem high, but we're just having good clean fun. That also works with whole "drugs are no longer a rebellion"(that Child of Vision said) and it is just a damn fad and it is so common people probably think others my age are quite often high, so they assume that shit, which is dumb. its so common. so lame.
ever heard of the word addiction?

They have to start in the first place don't they?? It's not like we're 'born addicted'.

And for those who have said that you won't care when your freinds fall down, or burn themselves out, i pity you. I really do. I can't help but care, and I will be there every single step of the way for my freinds if (...when...) they 'fall down'. I guess i'm just not a normal guy for the fact that i would give up everything that i have, and everything that i have worked hard for, simply to help a freind.
In reply to Battle Angel, I wasn't speaking specifically of marijuana. As a matter of fact, I would rather see people do that drug if the do any at all because, as a good friend of mine pointed out, it's a lot more natural than most drugs. Actually, the drugs that the people I know do are more along the lines of crystal meth and speed.
Oh, ok. I personally wouldn't go that far on drugs, even though I could handle it, I just wouldn't do it. I'll just stick with the weed every couple weeks or so... and maybe trip once or twice each year. :spin:

Originally posted by Trapped
And for those who have said that you won't care when your freinds fall down, or burn themselves out, i pity you. I really do. I can't help but care, and I will be there every single step of the way for my freinds if (...when...) they 'fall down'. I guess i'm just not a normal guy for the fact that i would give up everything that i have, and everything that i have worked hard for, simply to help a freind.

Well, I want to stick by my friend too, especially since she's my best friend, but i just wouldn't want to have to watch her fuck herself up like she is.
I wouldn't like having to detatch myself, i would hate it.
And it's not that i wouldn't care about her(because i do, ALOT!), IF it happens, but i just don't want to have to see it.
Crouching Tiger,Hidden Dragon
Life of Brian
Being John Malkovich
High Fidelity
Man Without a Past

and most of all,the little gem also known as
Ghost World
Donnie Darko
Dark Crystal
Neverending Story
Pulp Fiction
Fear & Loathing In Las Vegas
Blade Runner
Mononoke Hime
Big Lebowski
Dark City
Requiem For A Dream
The Shining
Nightmare Before Christmas
Shawshank Redemption
SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE! hahaha with the 30-minute long rape scene. It's great that the main character is so stupid she got raped 3 times by the same guys. Even a retarded kid raped her. Crappiest movie ever, I got tricked into thinking it was gory.
Ihreil Junkenstein said:
Do the Pantera home videos count as movies?:lol:
For sure,they are instructional videos for proper drinking etiquette.
Those vid's are hilarious,My friend Colin "MAD DOG" Brown is in a few
of them,he's the guy drinking beer through his nose haha.