What bands are bands that you just dont "get"?

melvintillius said:
Uhhh, what's not to get with Zeppelin? It's amzing rock music. Their music would be amazing if it came out today. Yet, they broke through in 1969! I don't understand your argument there. Sorry.

As far as Porcupine Tree is concerned. Unless you just have no concept of music, or you simply do not get excited when you hear intricate compositions with incredible melodies and some of the most amazing harmonies I've ever heard, then I am further confused by your argument.

Ah, well Zepplin just never clicked with me, and i find robert plant's voice to be pretty annoying.

Porcupine tree, this band is a good band, but there are only a few songs that i can say that i truly like (ie: Trains, ASBNT, Blackest eyes, piano lessons, chloroform) but there are just some weeeird songs like wedding nails, and......dead wing.....eugh that songs too trippy for me
Powers said:
Even if you don't like the band it has to be said that "Appetite" totally epitomises what Guns n' Roses are about. So if one description of a great album is "a defining album", then "Appetite is one of the best albums ever made.

I agree .
Goober said:
Ah, well Zepplin just never clicked with me, and i find robert plant's voice to be pretty annoying.

Porcupine tree, this band is a good band, but there are only a few songs that i can say that i truly like (ie: Trains, ASBNT, Blackest eyes, piano lessons, chloroform) but there are just some weeeird songs like wedding nails, and......dead wing.....eugh that songs too trippy for me

Too trippy? I suppose in places yeah. For me it's more that the songs on Deadwing have poor structure and aren't given any personality. Lazarus, Arriving, Start of something beautiful, She's moved on, are exceptions though. To me it's like they don't know whether to be a prog metal band or a prog rock band. Some riffs seem un-natural. Again it's all my interpretation, if you like them I can see the talent is there but yeah.
The Greys said:
DT as in dark tranquility ?

DT's guitar playing is ten times more interesting than tools.

For the person that can't stand death metal but likes shit bands like downset,machine head you're an idiot. You are not hearing the right death metal.

downset and MH make some of the most stupid music i've heard.
DT = Dream Theatre

I really like Dark Tranc, but I don't give a shit about comparing guitar work. Tool > Dark Tranc. Bai.
metalica is probably one of the worst things ever too happen too metal they give us all bad names and thanks to them we all have this stereotypicall gayness about us.
i almost die everytime i see someone wearing a metallica shirt and fuekn call them selfs metalist or even music lovers where is the appreciation for good music.
OK SOME CREDIT some of the early stuff was alright but when they gave it away to the new shit they play now they fuked themselves.
^^ so really what you're trying to say is you dont 'get' them? or just that they're shit. in which case you wouldn't be answering the question put forth. bands i dont get? fucking napalm death. they are ridiculous.
I never used to like them but, having recently read "Choosing Death" and with the at least to chapters basically being the history of Napalm Death, i've been listening to them a lot at the moment. The earliest stuff i like because it's more or less just really heavy hardcore punk with a slightly metal edge. The second album is grindcore so i can't get in to it because i just don't like Grind (strange, i like metal, and some hardcore music but not Grind?). After that it's just pure fucking Death Metal until recently where they started to add melodic riffs to it. I've always prefferd Gothenburgh and Melodic Death to Pure Death so for me the newer stuff is awesome, but i'd recommend "Scum" just as much as i'd recommend "The Code is Red", but bare in mind the music is totally different, possibly because none of the lads who recorded the first album are currently in the band. This actually raises some interesting legal and ethical issues so far as who's band it actaully is, who has precedence of the name?

Hench band.
Tool (they're....okay I guess, but not all that great)
Mars Volta-they just bore me
Led Zeppelin - They really just aren't that interesting most of the time if you ask me, but I recognize that they are very talented.

People can have their opinions, but I'm going to voice my opinions on a few bands here.

A lot of people mentioned Radiohead as a band they don't get. I can understand this, but I personally love them. I love the experimental side of their newer stuff, and I find them to be great songwriters.

And I feel the need to comment on System of a Down as well. Absolutely one of the best MTV-whored bands if you ask me (not that there are many good ones at all). They aren't nu-metal and never have been. Honestly, Hypnotize/Mezmerize don't do a whole lot for me, but their first three albums are breathtaking. Great songwriting, and they're quite different/bizarre. Of course, I'm biased, because I owe a lot to them. If it weren't for System of a Down I certainly wouldn't be listening to Opeth today. I could do without all the political crap, and their lyrics on the new albums are really weak, but the first three are really good in my opinion.
I don't get the hype or success of the following bands...

-Linkin Park
-Black Sabath
-Dave Matthews Band
-System of a Down
-Cannibal Corpse
-All cRAP music, I detest it with a passion.

Im sure im forgetting some, i'll post more later.
Risquit said:
311 (How did they ever get a contract? Their fans are white suburban kids who have no frame of reference for what constitutes good music. They mistake the dub sound for coolness or something.)

Tell me, do you consider anyone with different tastes from your own to lack a frame of reference, or do they have to be young, white and live in the suburbs? People listen to music for their own reasons, and invalidating the opinions of such a broad group of people based on pretty much nothing is dumb, to put it very simply :lol:
Asimis said:
I don't get the hype or success of the following bands...

-Linkin Park
-Black Sabath
-Dave Matthews Band
-System of a Down
-Cannibal Corpse
-All cRAP music, I detest it with a passion.

Im sure im forgetting some, i'll post more later.

Minus Slipknot and CC, all of those bands have written catchy tunes. Hell, some of them have been some of the best tunes of the past 20 years. What's not to get?
The Evil Toucan said:
Minus Slipknot and CC, all of those bands have written catchy tunes. Hell, some of them have been some of the best tunes of the past 20 years. What's not to get?

Catchy meaning that they were popular or good? I mean, Ashlee Simpson, Lindsay Lohan, etc write catchy tunes that top the charts on MTV, that doesn't means that they are incredibly talented or anything.

As far as being the best tunes of the past 20 years, perhaps but that is what this topic is about, I don't get why people think so, their music does nothing to me.
Tubbs Mcgee said:
I actually like Cannibal Corpse.

I tried to like Cannibal Corpse but after listening to bands like Death, Theory in Practice, etc the death metal that CC does is incredibly poor to me, kinda like all muscle and no brain music. Hard? Yes, but hardy melodic or emotional.
Asimis said:
Catchy meaning that they were popular or good? I mean, Ashlee Simpson, Lindsay Lohan, etc write catchy tunes that top the charts on MTV, that doesn't means that they are incredibly talented or anything.

As far as being the best tunes of the past 20 years, perhaps but that is what this topic is about, I don't get why people think so, their music does nothing to me.

No, Ashlee Simpson and Lindsay Lohan, etc have those tunes written FOR them. Big difference.

As to why they are popular? They are accessible. People like music (lyrics) they can relate to, and people like listening to things that make them happy. My girlfriend used to be a big DMB fan and we went to one of their concerts last year, and there was a lot of drunk happy people. A LOT.

Seomtimes music just speaks to people. Take Jeff Buckley's version of Hallelujah for example. Just a simple song, but can you honestly say it's not a great tune?

It's easy after you discover all these 'new' bands to slip into an elitist mentality. Afterwards, everyone's views are definitely skewed to reflect that elitism. imo.
There hasn't really been any good bubble gum pop made since the Backstreet Boys broke up, apart from their comeback "Never Gone" which was great. McFly? Hmmm i guess taht was good, better than Busted at least, other than that? Not a lot, Ashlee Simpson perhaps?
The Evil Toucan said:
It's easy after you discover all these 'new' bands to slip into an elitist mentality. Afterwards, everyone's views are definitely skewed to reflect that elitism. imo.

Where have I reflected elitism of anything? I think you are getting a bit defensive/argumentative over this. I just listed some bands that lot of people like but I don't, that's what the topic is about. I am not saying "anybody who likes that is a fool", which is what elitists do.

Anyway people like different stuff and not everyone is going to agree with everything that you think is good.

P.S. For the record I like Britney Spears.