what have you been doing today?

Loona said:
@marginalé: enjoy your last night :rock:
I thought you will be there for a longer time btw
i enjoyed it a lot, and i will AGAIN tonight :rock: snowstorm in new york so no flights :) another night and day in the big city

ther felt 40 cm of snow in a few hours today :hypno: and still going on, later tonight there is going to be the real storm , i can't wait :rock:

fuck, did you just make that title up or actually remember it? i think there should be a law that bands have to sing the songs title in the chorus so i can actually remember what its called
nomana-nuniyan said:
:) :wave: at the marginal. Glad you're having fun!
the sun just started to shine, :erk: so i guess the plane will take off tonight then :cry: hopefully it's overbooked now, so i can volunteer when they ask people to take another flight

now i'm gonna play in the snow :Spin: lalalala

I'm cooking now, it's not shining though, some incoming album just arrived, working title: The Eternal Bailiff.
That's only my fear, you know, no one knows I live here, so whenever there's a visitor, it must be the bailiff. Cause, of course, bailiffs always know where you are, even when you aren't.

The postman never comes.
lalalala i played in the snow at the park

now i have to go to JFK and hope i have a seat on the plane, cause there is no seatnumber on the new ticket (there is one at my friends ticket) hopefully it's overbooked so i can stay again another day