what have you been doing today?

althea said:
Maqus, You're positive energy has got to me...:)

Maqus said:
Now aren't my characters just cute and lifelike? :Spin:
yeh, especially this "kid" :D

have been painting walls today, and getting old wallpaper off the wall, cleaned the house, cooked a meal, read a mail the size of a book and had a nice chat. all very satisfactoy...good day it was ...
Loona said:
today I bought myself a dress and a pair of trousers :grin:
(I know you are damn not interested in it :lol: )

@marginalé: why the new nick?
cause he's a new yorker atm :lol:

and yes, tell us all about the things you bought:)
Bastet said:
yeh, especially this "kid"



Champagne was a baby goat ripped from her mother at birth so we humans could use the milk meant for her. Champagne had a name because she was rescued, picked up with her twin sister from the cold ground at the farm where she had been left to die. Swollen with milk, their mother had been taken away to be put into “production.”

Two good people, experienced with goat care, took in the day-old animals, bottle fed them and provided round-the-clock care. The kids developed quickly, but before two weeks passed, Champagne faltered. She developed blindness and her breathing became labored. Then she died, the victim of polioencephalomalacia, a disease caused most often by diet changes. Did she simply need her mother’s milk -- the milk we took from her? The milk we use for our “comfort food” -- our macaroni and cheese?
Aww Maqus, I expected something over the top cheery from you...I was looking for it to go with my morning coffee...and it wasn't there...

Poor goat.
i had my bag eaten by a goat once, true story! I had one of those straw bags and i set it down for a second and a goat came out of nowhere and started munching it. turns out, the people i was visiting had it as a pet, but still!