what have you been doing today?

My bust-ass hard work. I clean houses (thorough cleaning, very physically demanding) and do other things they need done. For this customer today, I prepared his house for him to move into last weekend and today helped him unpack all his belongings and helped him set things up. I'll be cleaning for him regularly. I get to know some of my customers fairly well. I've just started back at this after a two year break....AND THE MONEY CANNOT BE BEAT. :)
coffee, eating, cleaning up the place, coffee, eating, reading, mailing, tea, sending PM's, packing things, moving boxes,tea, ordering chinese food. eating, coffee, ......
think i'm up for some tea again... boring, yeah...
I was wondering whether mushrooms could be baked on a pizza and still provide effects.

So, I went out west and picked some (there is some abundance in South Florida). Then, when I went to work that evening (I was amanager at the local Pizza Hut), I baked an extra cheese, double mushroom (1/2 and 1/2), and onion pizza (pan crust).

Not only did it taste great, but I found the buttons on the cash register changing places. So, I did the only thing any person would---close up shop early.

It definitely beats the bitten routine of making tea and eating sludge.
I've been amused all day. I DON'T KNOW WHY. Possibly just a couple of various things.

Watching someone more capable of destroying everything they start or touch or are involved with more than anyone I've ever witnessed. This person is bent on failure for themselves in every region of their lives and fucking things up for others around them with their perpetual mentally ill perspective. This person is pathologically motivated to disrupt and destroy everything they're involved with and chronically driven by pathological levels of insecurities that manifest in the most self-destructive and bizarre ways you can possibly imagine. Not to mention pushing their insane perspectives onto everyone around them. Completely unable to compartmentalize their life, the destructive behavior plows through every aspect of their life indiscriminately.

And it's sooo FASCINATING to witness. I could write a psych paper on this person by the repetetitive and methodological way in which they betray their own life.

WOW. I'm astounded. :p
hahaah i have tickets for U2 :Spin: :cool:

my mate is a big U2 fan, so he got a code to buy tickets sooner then everyone else :p


@keith: what do you hate about U2 then?
I've been shoveling snow all day. god, I gotta get out of this winter hellhole. go somewhere warm. with palmtrees. and banana trees. and girls. with thongs. lots of thongs. I think I like those thongs. yes, I think I do. mmmmmmmm... thoooongs...
Took these the other night of my room being attacked by homework. It looks about the same now, just shuffled around a bit.


nomana-nuniyan said:
Took these the other night of my room being attacked by homework. It looks about the same now, just shuffled around a bit.
are those kreature keepers that i spy stacked in the corner?? if so whats in em, eh??
I've been trying to cope with this almost unbearable tiredness and have spent the workday so far mostly by blasting some suitable music and chatting on msn. Well, the haunted gig last night was worth all this pain and hangover :rock:
Bambi said:
are those kreature keepers that i spy stacked in the corner?? if so whats in em, eh??

About a quarter my mineral collection. About $2,000 worth. From nantan meteor rocks, to rare fanned rose-amythest cathedral quartz pieces, to two pound pure azurite crystal clusters, and about 50 other types of stones. And some jewelry and stuff.
nomana-nuniyan said:
About a quarter my mineral collection. About $2,000 worth. From nantan meteor rocks, to rare fanned rose-amythest cathedral quartz pieces, to two pound pure azurite crystal clusters, and about 50 other types of stones. And some jewelry and stuff.

i think you should put pictures of some of it in. i have a little tiny mineral collection back home, i'm slighly interested.
nomana-nuniyan said:
About a quarter my mineral collection. About $2,000 worth. From nantan meteor rocks, to rare fanned rose-amythest cathedral quartz pieces, to two pound pure azurite crystal clusters, and about 50 other types of stones. And some jewelry and stuff.
cool, kinda guessed it it was rocks or something and not animals seems as how they're stacked on top of each other,
Maybe I will. I've tried to take pictures of them but they never do them justice, especially the Australian boulder matrix opals, which are the most beautiful stones I own. There's just no way to capture any of them well in a photo. Maybe when I get more time, I'll work on it.
I have some weird iron ore thing on my desk at home, its like a red ore egg thats been cut in half and has some kinda glittery mineral deposit in the centre. Weird thing is I have NO idea where it came from or why its ended up pn my desk :ill: